Five Ways For Young Dog Lovers to Start a Career

“Doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness”. This is a famous quote by Lana Del Ray that most of you may have come across! Most of us struggle to find a job that can embody both: freedom and happiness. Thankfully, some stellar career ideas out there can make you feel happy and earn enough means to get by with your life. We are, of course, talking about careers with dogs! Dogs are man’s best friends and for a reason. They are loyal, always happy to see you, and will give you unconditional love whenever and wherever you need it. Wouldn’t it be awesome then if you could start a career as a dog lover?

While in school or college, students are given an array of possibilities to explore. Some choose to become lawyers; some go into law enforcement, some become business people, and some, like you, may decide to begin a pet business. However, you will have to write a multitude of papers in universities as part of your educational pursuit. You may wish to combine your love for dogs is one such college essay. Writers can check out some of the top dog topics to write about as part of your research study and start your career. By reading up on such examples, you may find several ideas to launch your business as a young dog lover.

Here are some of the top ways in which young dog lovers can start their careers.

Five ways for young dog lovers to start a career

  • Veterinarian

Working as a vet is a rewarding job by which you can help your canine friends deal with their illnesses and help them become better. However, keep in mind that you will have to go through eight years of schooling to become one. If eight years sound like too much, you may also choose to study for two to four years and become a vet technician or assistant instead.

  • Dog trainer

Training dogs to do some basic stuff like finding toys, walking correctly, sitting when asked to, and playing with them sounds like a cool job! Dog owners are always looking for trainers to help with behavioral issues in their pets. Working with canines can be quite daunting as it requires a lot of patience, time, and effort on the trainer’s part.

If this sounds like a challenge you would like to tackle, by all means, go for it!

  • Groomer

Beauty salons are not only a human thing anymore. Our four-legged friends require attention too. You can become a certified dog groomer and take care of their basic needs, such as showering them, cutting their nails, and trimming their hair.

  • Volunteer

Pet shelters are institutions that house stray dogs or dogs that have been abandoned by their owners. These canines are often looking for a friend to take them on walks and to bond with. Even though the job may not pay you, you may be able to take the time out of your schedule to hang out with man’s best friends. Not only will you help the shelter staff, but you will also find a way to reduce your stress.

  • Pet sitter

A pet sitter is someone who looks after a person’s pets while they are out of town. Your job would include feeding the dog, taking it out on walks, and giving them time and attention! But even though the job sounds easy, keep in mind that you are responsible for the dog’s well-being, and as such, you must be careful tending to its needs.

There are other jobs that one can get started on that include learning to become an animal behaviorist, a dog photographer, a doggy daycare provider, or even a pet store. Whichever one you choose, it is guaranteed that you will love your job.

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