Productive Things to do While at Home or in Quarantine

With the ongoing Coronavirus crisis, everyone is going through tough times. While staying at home used to be a fun idea, being confined for a prolonged period can increase boredom and, oddly, stress. To maintain mental and physical health, it is important to stay productive. Instead of worrying when the quarantine is going to be over, use this opportunity to do things that you would not otherwise have time for.

Productive Things to do While at Home or in Quarantine


Before anything else, you should maintain good health by exercising regularly. Staying at home increases laziness and procrastination. It is easy to simply lay on the couch and watch TV all day while munching on unhealthy snacks. Such idleness can lead to depression if care is not taken. Begin each day with a little workout session (about 20-30 minutes). There are several home workouts available on YouTube. There are also free and paid apps designed for exercising at home. To take it up a notch, you can set up a mini gym in your garage. Many online fitness stores now offer delivery services.

Pick up A New Hobby

If you have always wanted to try new things but never had the time to do so, now is a perfect time. New hobbies bring new excitement as they lead you to discover new things about yourself. Some hobbies to consider include blogging, dancing, learning to play an instrument, drawing, painting, learning a foreign language, or starting a business. The possibilities are endless if you keep an open mind. All of these things can be learnt from the comfort of your home by going online. A new hobby could lead to a new, possibly more fulfilling, career path. It could also provide another source of income.

Take Online Courses

Whether you are learning a new skill as a hobby or for your professional career, taking online courses is a great way to go. Online education gives you access to a wide variety of programs and courses with various teaching styles. They are also much more affordable. Unlike real-time courses, you have unlimited access to the course materials, allowing you to revisit the program as many times as you need to learn.

Read Books

Take a journey into the creative minds of fiction writers. Good books can be both educational and therapeutic. If you are new to reading books, explore different genres of books to find one that best speaks to you. And if you find that reading is stressful, then consider audiobooks or podcasts. They are just as good, if not better.

Try New Recipes

With this free time, you might as well go on a culinary adventure. Try new recipes from cookbooks or online videos. Start with easy-to-make breakfasts and work your way up to more advanced dinner recipes. Cooking is a great way to spend time with your family.

Deep Clean

Every home needs to be thoroughly cleaned every couple of months. The frequency is arguable among many homeowners but a safe bet is to do it at least once every season. Deep cleaning your home is quite different from daily cleaning. This is where you clean every little item in the house from light fixtures to scrubbing the ovens to disinfecting your refrigerator. It is also a chance to rearrange your furniture to give your home a new look. Deep cleaning is hard but necessary work. Get your family to join in on the action to make it fun.

Staying positive when the world appears to be all about bad news is necessary for your mental health. Prepare for post-COVID-19 by learning new skills, sharpening your mind, and staying active.

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