Founder’s Guide Terms of Service

Our founders (Bizceed Co. Ltd.) started to open this company and support the online management of (our Japanese counterpart) because there has been a deep need to help Japanese Entrepreneurs in setting small-scale companies around Japan. We’re publishing thousands of magazine copies distributed freely to those who are in need of useful information, guidance and more. Online Medias are also reaching out to people through social network medias. In japan, setting up new company can be a complex risk for an amateur in the business market. Lots of entrepreneurs have a difficulty in launching and creating set-up procedures. That is why we created the portal of sogyotecho and many more websites that will lend them a helping hand. Thus, the latest creation of our English Business Media “Founder’s Guide” to reach out and cater to the needs of all English-speaking countries.

We eagerly await the increase of success rate for entrepreneurs worldwide with the help of our online platforms and tools. In hopes that this expansion will bring not only more profit and sales but general welfare and accomplishment as well. Let’s work together and maximize learning opportunities and improve the society and current generation of entrepreneurs wherever they are located in the world. We at Founder’s Guide aspire to advocate a better and higher standard of living and improved quality of life for everyone.

If you’re visiting our website for the first time, please be informed of the following Terms of Service and Usage we implement to run our business legally together with the protection of our human and business rights. Your usage renders that you have fully understood and agreed to our terms. If you have any contradictions, you can exercise the will to exit our website premises.

1. Website Content:

All contents specified, stated and written under the provision and approval of our FG Editorial Team is copyrighted and therefore cannot be misused, misrepresented, twisted and reproduced in any way without proper approval and legal written consent. All proprietorship found on the website is owned (included but not limited to Intellectual Property) by Bizceed Co. Ltd.

*For non-employee/external website contributors, Founder’s Guide applies a separate Terms&Condition, please refer to #3.

1.1 prohibition of copying, duplicating, broadcasting and manipulating contents without permission is punishable by law and therefore strictly not allowed. And also prohibition of transfer of rights. Confidentiality unless stated otherwise is given as mandatory.

1.2 logos, trademarks, picture, photographic images,patent, utility model, design rights, portrait, publicity rights, property rights are licensed and legally acquired by Bizceed Co. Ltd. subject for disposal in accordance to the Editorial will and interest. It cannot be used in any form unless permitted otherwise.

1.3 content utilization and maximization are only for personal and non-commercial use provided that you do not make alterations credit ownership as your own. Removal of trademarks and copyright is not tolerated.

1.4 no distribution by any means for personal profit without asking the proper channels and legal cooperation with our Management Team. In lieu to free access and release of informative contents we only wish that you do not obstruct the delivery of our services, nor provoke partiality, racism, misrepresentation and character/cultural defamation of any kind.

1.5 Hacking is strictly punishable by law.
1.6 if you suspect infringement or any type of violation to certain guidelines, please feel free to contact our Editorial & Management Team for alert. You can email us at together with the corresponding, specific nature of complaints.
>> Specification of Infringement
>> Sample of Infringement
>> Conformation to website contributors

1.7 Founder’s Guide will not be held responsible for the opinions expressed by individual contributors. They maintain the right to express personal opinions on any matter pertaining any subject. Granting that it was evaluated and approved by the Editorial Team. However, we do not guarantee accuracy of such content/s so therefore cannot be held liable upon any circumstance.
1.8 no employee/affiliates shall be liable for any claims of defamation, libel, slander, lies, obscenity by external users.
1.9 we do not endorse nor encourage the selling neither of firearms, swords, illegal drugs or other illegal goods or narcotics or any other activities that are deemed inappropriate.
1.10 transfer of information harmful to or corruption of minor, or even the act of posting child promotion is strictly not observed within the publication.
1.11 we maintain conditions for the permit of sale and need for commodities
1.12 it is necessary for our online publication to perform regular system maintenance. We are not obliged to inform the users in advance prior to execution. It should be noted that when the server is down, telecommunications line will be faulty, and other system failure occurs, the Company shall endeavor to recover, during the disaster recovery period but the Company does not assume any responsibility.
1.13 in the event of natural disaster, epidemic, war, riot, civil war, fire, flood, abolition enactment of laws and regulations, the intervention of public power, strike and other labor disputes, and other events that we are forced to cease service delivery, we will not be subjected to liability damages regardless of the number of users, followers and other 3rd party consensus.
1.14 if there are any objection by any 3rd party about articles and information posted on the website, we will not guarantee any means of surrender or removal. Depending on cases of public discretion or harmful propriety. The company otherwise will not assume any responsibility either.
1.15 handling of personal information shall be subject to separate stipulated privacy policy mostly in the bases of agreement and approval from the party involved.
1.16 Actual damages compensation will be upon case-to-case basis. Provided that there is no gross negligence or grave violation committed by the company. On the other hand, if you have committed any damages/violation set forth in the terms mentioned here, we have the right to sue or demand compensation from your part.
1.17 governing law and jurisdiction is applicable depending on a particular specification. If there’s an occurring dispute with respect to the present terms, it will be opened for discussion and subject for revision.
1.18 Granting that our goal is to provide Internet publication globally, there is no intention of offense, insult or any form of verbal abuse implied on any of our content/articles/images and representation thereof.
1.19 we reserve upon our discretion, the right to remove any information that may pose threat or anything that is not in accordance to law.
1.20 our official debatable ground is located in Tokyo, Japan

2. User Registration

2.1 User registration is by all means voluntary and is not imposed or reinforced in any way by any member of the company. Note that we duly require that you sign in with your corresponding user name and password details. Our services, present and future will be granted upon your request.
2.2 the management storing your personal information and data has the right to manage, disseminate, expose, transfer and lend the said information to 3rd parties for their use. The company does not assume any responsibility as to whether how the 3rd party utilizes that information.
2.3 you can notify our Management Team if you detect or find misuse and involuntarily access to your personal data and we shall take necessary measure to ensure safety.
2.4 for external contributors, writers, firms, and business entities registering on our websites, not legitimately employed by the company cannot forcedly demand compensation or fee of any sort. It is clearly stipulated on the terms before acceptance that the works published will be free of charge.
2.5 we reserve the right to notify you if there are any requests for change of details on the user side. Promptly, only according to your request shall we proceed with doing the changes as you deem fit.
2.6 deactivation of your account is solely based upon your discretion. We require that you notify us through proper channels and submission of request for due action. Otherwise if we find any illegal activities using your account, we reserved the full right to delete or deactivate your account access.
2.7 in relation to credit card settlement or any financial instability issues, we held no liability to provide, assist and cater to the needs or requirements thereof. We will not be responsible to pay or settle on behalf of external users regardless of the information inputted on our services.
2.8 we retain the right for the seizure of provisional assets in case of injunction when subjected to delinquent taxes or public dues. We have the right to impose additional charges/fee depending on the taxation rate of our provided services.
2.9 in the event of your company’s (Client User) bankruptcy, lawsuits, civil rehabilitation process, settlement procedures or liquidation, we have the right to deactivate or delete your advertisement in our website. You will loose the right to use our services and necessary due charge for payment of debt.
2.10 we can refuse the offering of our services if we find that your company, during the evaluation and checking any means/factors that we deem harmful and illegal for the public.
2.11 we do not encourage spam distribution as a means of company guidelines.
2.12 usage fee will be defined clearly and specifically shall it be implemented but we will not be obliged to divulge in public prior to the mandated schedule.

3. Terms of use for External Contributors

3.1. For contributed articles, the copyright wholly belongs to the writers. Writers/Contributors retain the right to disseminate and distribute it on their own mediums provided that the original content will be published to Founder’s Guide website first and foremost.
Prior to publishing any external article, the agreeing party will receive a notification email that contains a preview of their article and it’s proposed outcome [inclusive of the agreeing party’s details, affiliations, background and entitlement], that will serve as the validation of approval giving FG Editorial team the legal power to publish the content. We will not proceed to any measure without receiving permission from the said party.

3.2. Founder’s Guide Management will maintain the right to translate Contributor’s articles (English) into Japanese version and will be published to our parent site : [Japanese website for Startups].

3.3. Founder’s Guide maintain the right to decide and filter the content/ articles based upon our own discretion. Screening of articles and public disposal/publishing will depend solely on the the approval of the editorial team. This may apply to contents that are sensitive in nature and those that may pose threat/harm to third parties. We would like to ensure the safety and credibility of all the involved.

3.4. The agreeing party can submit existing articles from their own, personal mediums [blogs, websites] on which they have the sole copyright. However, we reserve the right to make necessary revisions as we deem fit. Nevertheless, the publication will be validated by the agreeing party prior to public disposal.

Inquiries and Feedback

We sincerely appreciate the feedback we receive from all the viewers and readers. Founder’s Guide may use your contact information to ask for feedback and inquiries of your interest from time to time. Your information both positive and negative will be taken into consideration by appropriate personnel and we reserve the right to refuse or accept such opinions or advances.

Guidebook Subscription and Newsletter

We offer valuable content and informative articles both online and printed for the perusal and benefit for both entrepreneurs and aspiring readers. If you requested for a copy of Founder’s Guidebook, we would like to keep in touch with you and connect on a frequent basis by automatically opting you in to our newsletter. The newsletter will be sent to the email address you have provided to us. We may send you a weekly newsletter with more site updates and keep you in the circle of FG information.

However, if you no longer wish to receive any newsletter, we encourage you to opt out of these communications by changing your notification preference on the lower portion of the newsletter (via email). By clicking on the Unsubscribe button, your use of our services and the status of your contact information will be removed or disconnected.

We appreciate your cooperation.

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Bizceed Co. Ltd.
104-0031 6F Daiichi Shimomura Bldg.
3-3-10 Kyobashi Chuoku
Tokyo, Japan
See Google Maps
〒104-0031 東京都中央区京橋3-3-10  第一下村ビル6階
Tel No:03-6415-7032
Global Office:
Bizceed International Inc.
409 Keppel Tower Samar Loop corner
Cardinal Rosales Avenue
Cebu Business Park Cebu City Philippines
Tel: +632 416-4066
See Google Maps