3 Tips for Taking the Right Energy into Your New Start-up

Everyone has a good idea of some of the factors that can contribute to making a start-up venture into a success.

Having the money to cover your initial costs certainly helps. Having a business plan which encompasses the direction you want to head in over the next few years is certainly helpful. And, of course, an ample supply of discipline and “grit” doesn’t hurt.

One of the most essential resources for making a success of a start-up, however, is also one of the most intangible — the “energy” and general “mindset” that separates the successful from the unsuccessful.

Here are a few tips for taking the right energy with you into your new start-up.

Get a dedicated workspace and treat it seriously

You will be hit by self-doubt and uncertainty when you start your business. That’s more or less inevitable, and it can be all but fatal to your professional prospects.

One of the hurdles that you need to overcome at the earliest possible stage is the sensation that you’re “faking it” or “aren’t the real deal.”

To tackle this “imposter syndrome,” one of the best things you can do is to do a commercial property search and get your own dedicated office space to work out of — or, if all else fails, create a dedicated home office space which is entirely separate from your usual living spaces.

Having a dedicated workspace not only helps to reinforce your own sense of self-belief, but it also helps you to remain focused and systematic in your approach to the business.

Reinforce your “winner’s mindset” — and practice a variety of techniques to keep your optimism and drive topped up

It may seem “fake,” or “cheesy” to stand in front of the mirror and repeat positive affirmations to yourself, but there’s a reason why so many successful people from so many different backgrounds have followed this particular practise — or other, very similar ones.

Although it may feel more “realistic” to be highly sceptical of your own potential and capabilities, one of the most commonplace traits among high-achievers is an unwavering sense of self-belief.

That doesn’t mean that you should turn into an absolute narcissist. But, if you want to succeed, you should absolutely reinforce your “winner’s mindset” and your belief that you have the potential to make it big.

From motivational speeches, to songs, to affirmations, practice a variety of techniques to keep you feeling optimistic about your abilities and prospects.

Take pride in the journey itself and always “show up” whether you feel like it or not

While you should certainly do what you can to keep your “motivation” soaring high, there will always be times when you don’t want to work, but have to, in order to keep moving forward.

One of the hallmarks of successful entrepreneurs is that they master the habit of always “showing up” whether they feel like it or not.

Take pride in the journey itself, and not just in the destination. If you make it to the end of the day and can safely say you’ve done your best, then you can rest, contented.

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