Want to do business in Japan? We can help you.

To request service assistance for your business registration, accounting, bookkeeping, tax and other services, please use the form below and provide information for our initial evaluation. We might need to schedule a meeting with you to fully discuss the services that we can provide for your business. All information that you provide will be kept private and will only be use in the preparation of our service proposal.

By using the form below, you agree to provide true information for our initial evaluation including but not limited to company name, business address and contact information.

    Tell me about yourself?


    Position in the Company:*

    Contact Number:*

    Email Address:*

    Tell me about your business?

    Company Name:*

    Business Address:*

    Type of Business:*

    Nature of Business:*

    Capital Size of the Business:*

    Number of Employees:*

    How can we help you?

    Please check all needed services.

    I need professionals to process business registration requirementI need accounting, bookkeeping and tax servicesI need assistance in payroll processingI need a place or office for my business

    Please give us more information about your business like the types of products or services that you offer. Please feel free to fill the box below. If you think you have additional information you wanted to share other than the information above, you may add it here.


    By submitting this form I guarantee that the above information is true and correct.