Growing Your Business And Maintaining High Levels Of Customer Service

When a company grows out of its small phase, many have problems making the transition and often what is left to slip is the level of customer service that is offered to the customers. Maintaining a high-level of service is imperative if you want to grow your brand and you can read an excellent article on several references online on the subject that will give you a lot of insight. The first thing that you need to do is to set yourself a company SLA (Service Level Agreement), so you know how high the bar has been set. There are many different things that you can include in your SLA, and there are also many ways that you can keep the standards high and ensure that you give your customers the best level of service possible.

Never Miss A Call Again

Some companies have peak times for their business which they can predict and track with ease. Some companies are not so fortunate and their peak times are harder to predict with accuracy as they have no set busy times of the year as things like weather can play a large part of their business. Both of these types of companies could benefit from a telephone answering service. No matter what kind of business you run, answering the phones is critical to running your business, and lost calls can mean lost business. There are many services available such as the Office HQ virtual receptionist service based in Australia that can offer you telephone cover 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You never need to miss a call again meaning that you can speak to every potential sale and help to grow your business.

Cover Your Email And Social Media

A lot of companies will work the regular hours between 8 AM and 6 PM, which funnily enough are also the hours that a lot of us work as well. What this means is that there are a lot of people that may try and contact you out of regular office hours and usually they will use either email or social media. If your email is not covered 24 hours a day, set up an auto-respond that come on during the hours when they are not monitored and let the sender know when they can expect someone to get back to them. The same with your social media accounts, make followers aware that there are certain times of the day when accounts are monitored, and outside of these hours someone will be back to them as soon as possible the next working day.

Go That Extra Mile

When a company is young, it is easier to instill a good work ethos into the members of staff and ensure that customer satisfaction is a top priority. Train your team in all aspects of their jobs including customer service and communication skills. Reward your staff for going that extra mile, even if it is just a pat on the back or a mention in the company email. If you keep your customers happy, it is far more likely that they will come back as repeat customers and they may just bring more customers back with them!

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