Mr. Motivator: Inspiration Is Productivity


Happy bees, that is the end-game that most business owners want. They want their employees to be happy and work as hard as bees. Luckily, that is more than plausible because the happier your employees are the more productive they will be. There is not much to it. However, knowing that equation is simple; the tricky bit is acting on it and knowing what makes your employees tick, which is usually a matter of motivation. Well, this is your lucky day, because we are here to shed some light on how you can do this, and a lot of it doesn’t cost much (or anything) and even more of it can be effortless. So go make a cup of tea, return, sit back and take notes. Enjoy.


Be The Change You Want To See

Leading by example is the most effective way to motivate your employees into acting in a certain way. For example, you can’t hope or expect your employees to work hard and efficiently if you aren’t doing this. What’s more, they need to see you doing this. You may well be working from 7am to 7pm, but if the majority of this is at home then they aren’t going to see that example being set. So many bosses get into work at midday and leave at 3pm, and can’t understand why their employees aren’t motivated by them. Another thing to be is being excited and enthusiastic. They are two of the most contagious emotions. Good mood is infectious. So when you walk into to work, do it with a smile, say ‘hi’ and ‘how are you’ to everyone you see, why not throw out a high five every now and then.

Adorn The Walls With Inspiration

This may sound silly, but it works. It could be that you have an employee of the month wall, a place of celebrated pride and one that is sure to kickstart your employees. It could be that you throw up some artwork to get them all fired up, after all there are inspirational quotes for every business, all you have to do is frame them and watch their magic unfold. It could be that you have the company logo adorn the entire length of the entrance, something that will stir some pride in all those you work with; it will see them feel proud of where they work from the second they step into the building.

Talk, Talk and Talk Some More

Don’t be a silent boss. Don’t just be an email address. Don’t just be a face on the website. Make yourself known, become part of the team, and get to know the people that work for you. Far too many companies underestimate the importance of communication, and even more don’t realize how important it is to have this come from the top down. Speaking to some face-to-face, knowing their names, knowing their interests and asking them about their families makes them feel valued and being valued makes you more determined to impress. It’s as simple as that.

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