Never Lose Track Of Your Company Vehicles: A Beginners Guide

For any fleet operation, the most important part is the vehicles. And one of the most important tasks of a fleet or operation manager is to monitor the vehicles. Regardless of the size of the operation, it can be a stressful aspect of the role: keeping track of the company vehicles. But it does not have to be. We are going to take a look at how you can keep on top of your fleet with help from a fleet management system.

Why is it important to not lose track of vehicles?

Customer service is one of the biggest reasons to stay on track of your vehicles. If you monitor vehicles closely and know where they are and at what time, you can see if you are going to have a happy customer. If you notice that one vehicle is an hour away, yet the customer is expecting them in 20 minutes, you know you need to find a quicker route or contact the client and let them know there has been a delay. You can also see if your driver is approaching traffic and swiftly divert them – minimising the risk of an unhappy customer and increasing productivity, thanks to your drivers not sitting idle in traffic.

While you will trust your drivers to complete their jobs to a high standard, with fleet tracking, you will also be able to see if any vehicle unexpectedly goes off the planned route – despite there being no issues with the one set. This could mean a driver is carrying out personal errands, and you will be able to put a stop to it before it becomes a long-term issue.

Another benefit to fleet tracking is stolen vehicles; no one wants to turn up to the yard and find a vehicle missing, but it happens. Fleet management is a great security measurement. You will be able to find your vehicle thanks to GPS tracking available and inform the police.

Uncover blind spots, increase productivity

When managing a fleet of company vehicles, your goal is to boost productivity without sacrificing quality service or the happiness of your drivers. An unenviable task, yes, but one made all the more possible using fleet management tools — a non-invasive way to reduce fuel consumption and uncover blind spots likely hindering efficiency in your operation.

Learning how to save petrol in your fleet is vital for any business reliant on company cars. Why? Because fuel is an expensive, yet inevitable running cost. With this in mind, collecting data using tracking software helps inform decision making on factors such as route optimisation and fuel stoppages, just two examples where your business has little clarity.

Moreover, the productivity benefits of tracking company vehicles extend to the wider team. How? Well, admin work — an inevitable byproduct of running any business — is streamlined to the essentials because tracking tools like fuel cards produce tax-compliant invoices, allowing you to claim back fuel expenses with minimal time or effort.

Save money, reduce accidents

While fleet management requires an investment, the return is much greater. As well as physically being able to keep track of your vehicles, you can also keep track of your fuel. A fleet tracking system allows you to send drivers on the most economical routes, helping you to save money in the long run.

Not only this, but you may find drivers drive better if they know you can see their driving behaviours. With a system, you will also be able to see when they speed and if they accelerate and brake harshly. With the ability to spot these unwanted traits, you will be able to raise it and get your drivers back on track to compliant and economical driving – saving you money on fuel and reducing wear and tear on the vehicles occurring sooner than would with sensible driving.

As we noted earlier, keeping track of your vehicles and sometimes the drivers can be stressful. But thanks to the advancements in technology, fleet management is here to help and can support your needs. Whether it is to monitor where your fleet is and at what time, or to see how your drivers are behaving, fleet tracking can help.

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