Large Mining Company Supports Anti-Illegal Mining Campaign

It wasn’t that long when newly-elected President Rodrigo Duterte declared his disapproval towards illegal mining activities in the country. Philex Mining Corporation, one of Philippines’ largest and most successful mining …

Instagram to Launch Business Tools

In this era, it is no longer a secret how social media apps can aid in sales marketing. One of the most popular social media application to date is Instagram, …

BSP Backs Laws for Enhanced Regulatory Capacity

During the BSP- Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Conference on Financial Inclusion and Central Banks held in Cebu, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) expressed their support to pass both …

SMC Goes for Clean Coal Over Renewable Energy

San Miguel Corp. is preferring to invest in clean coal-fired power plants instead of renewable energy projects for the meantime. The reason for this is the heavier cost associated with …