How Latin Companies Are Coping After the Corona Virus Outbreak

In just a few short weeks, the world has changed. Never before in the modern world has a single virus had such a significant impact on the world’s infrastructure.

A few days ago, people were joking about the COVID-19 virus in China. Now, it’s crippled markets around the world. All this happened at such a breakneck pace that its effects still seem surreal.

It’s important for businesses to analyze these new virus threats for two reasons. First, they must be able to cope with this outbreak. But second, they should also learn how to prepare for any future outbreaks that may occur. There’s no guarantee that COVID-19 will be the last virus of its kind.

One of the best ways to learn coping strategies is to see what other companies are doing right now.

In this article, we’ll tell you the principal ways that Latin companies are handling this virus outbreak.

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Government Response to New Virus Threats in Latin America

Before we look at what companies are doing, it’s important to put that in the context of the government response to the virus outbreak. Some Latin countries have gone to the extent of putting the entire nation under a quarantine period, where no one is allowed to leave their home except for essential purposes (e.g. grocery and pharmacy purchases, medical visits).

Many countries are gearing up for the impact on the healthcare industry by incentivizing the manufacture of healthcare equipment. Additional healthcare infrastructure is being built to support increased patient needs.

Work from Home Flexibility

The first thing that Latin companies are doing to cope with the virus outbreak is moving to a work from home policy. This stops the spread of the virus within the company’s immediate community as well as any customers or vendors it may work with. As a general rule, any employee who does most of his or her work on a computer is working from home.

Of course, there are many positions that do need to operate in person. For instance, those who work on the line in manufacturing or grocery store workers need to be present at work.

Increased Sanitation

Many companies that produce essential products and services are unable to shut their doors and move to a work from home policy. These companies are adopting increased sanitation practices. Increased cleaning frequency will minimize the spread of the virus through physical contact on work surfaces.

Reliance on Solid Technological Infrastructure

Above all, companies in Latin America are relying on solid technological infrastructure in order to be able to continue executing their mission and vision while serving their customers.

Managed IT Services are working around the clock to ensure that this happens.

Stay Positive

In conclusion, it’s important that we stay positive throughout these new virus threats. If companies do not stay positive and look forward to a promising future once this virus outbreak is complete, then the company will not be able to weather this current storm.

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