How To Improve Conversions On Your Amazon Listings To Boost Sales

It is possible to build an extremely successful ecommerce business on Amazon, by applying the right techniques and tactics. A successful Amazon-based business essentially comes down to two things: getting visitors to view your listing and converting those visitors to actual sales.

Knowing how to increase Amazon conversions is essential for the second part of this process. It doesn’t matter how many users visit your page, or how highly your listings are ranked, if visitors do not ultimately buy the product at the end of the day your business will not generate revenue, grow or be successful.

In this article we will look at the top tips you need to know in order to improve conversions on your Amazon listings and drive sales, business growth, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

Why Geo-Targeting Is Key To Conversions

Make A Strong Listing From The Start

Two of the key questions you need to ask when assessing the strength of your listing are:

  1. Does the listing look good?
  2. Is it easy to immediately understand what you are selling?

The second point is important to keep in mind because consumers these days have an extremely short attention span. Therefore you need to capture their attention immediately, and make clear what you are selling are what the benefits are to them.Anker is a brand which does this particularly well.

If you don’t do this within the first 5 seconds of your visitors viewing your listing (the “glance-able” test), you will have already lost the sale before you start.

Be Mobile Friendly

As of 2015, more people reportedly shopped on Amazon on their smart phones then on desktop computers. This trend has only continued to grow and the proportion is undoubtedly even higher today. This means it is essential that your listing reads well on mobile devices and not just on a computer screen.

When you build your listing always have in mind how it is going to look on a mobile screen. Amazon has designed its platform so that it will be optimised for mobiles, which goes a long way to help. However, how you create your listing also plays a part: think about how much text your users will see on their smart phone screen. Also consider how your images will appear on a small screen.

Finally, be sure to preview your listing on desktop and mobile to check how it appears and make any necessary last minute changes. If you make any updates or edits to your listing, preview it again on mobile and desktop to make sure it still views well.

Optimise Images

How to create an amazon listing which will convert traffic to sales essentially comes down to clearly communicating as much about the product and how it will benefit your customers, as clearly and quickly as possible.

Images are a great way to do this. For this reason, optimising the images on your listing is crucial for maximising conversions. Approximately 90% of users do not read the entire listing before making a purchasing decision. The reality is they make their decisions based primarily on the price, the images and review.

Here are some things you can do to optimise your images for better conversions:

  • Use product imagery on a white background
  • Use images which are large enough to zoom: ideally 2560 on the longest side, but at least 1260
  • Include images which demonstrate the benefits of the product, for example taglines on the images or custom graphics explaining product features

Have Persuasive Text

How you describe your product is key to convincing your customers to buy it. You need to make sure they know about the functions, features and secondary uses of the product, and even more importantly: how the product benefits them and its unique selling point.

You need to express this as clearly as possible to make sure the message gets across. Furthermore, as already mentioned, you need to do this in as short a time as possible given consumers’ short attention spans these days.

When selling a product on Amazon, one of the key places you convey this information is through the bullet point text on your listing. This text should include firstly, general benefits of the product and seller, using marketing techniques such as social proof, for example “10+ million customers” or “1000 positive reviews”.

Secondly, use these bullet points to explain specific product features and details. Be detailed and technical and include the exact specs of what people will receive with their product.

Have a Great Title

When it comes to the text in your Amazon listing, the product title is the most important section. Having an optimised title is critical for both better organic rankings on Amazon and also conversion rates.

For the former, you need to include relevant keywords. On the other hand, making sure users click on your title, a necessary first step to eventually securing a sale, you must have excellent copy. Have a persuasive title which tells your user exactly what the product is and includes features or aspects which they may be looking for. It is also important to include as many long tail keywords as possible while keeping the title well written. A good general rule which applies to not just titles, but also your listing in general is to write for the user first, and Amazon’s listing second.

Here is a checklist for writing the perfect, optimised Amazon title:

  • Use pipes and dashes to break up keywords: this improves readability
  • Use longer tail variations of primary keywords and implement connectors (words that go before and after the exact primary keyword)
  • Include the primary benefits of the product, in keyword form
  • Include functions and secondary uses of the product
  • Include the product’s unique selling point (USP)
  • Maximum of 200 characters currently: always check Amazon requirements as these regularly change

External Marketing To Drive More Sales

Increasing traffic, or more simply having more users view your listings, is an important part of driving conversions. Having a high ranking on Amazon is the number one way to do this, however there are also things you can do off-Amazon to drive organic traffic. Applying effective sales and marketing techniques drive more visitors to your site and ultimately increase sales.
One marketing tactic which works well to drive organic traffic to your Amazon listings is content marketing. Create quality content which is relevant to your product or to your audience, which includes a link to your product listing. Try to get the content published on well-known sites in your niche, as well as publishing on your own site or blog.

Having good quality leads is a key part of improving your conversions, because visitors who come to your listing already with some knowledge and interest in your product are more likely to finalise their sale.

About the Contributor:
Tom Buckland is the Founder of an organic marketing agency based in the UK. Specialising in increasing revenues on Amazon & Google, he’s the #1 ranked Amazon marketing consultant & the owner of HQ SEO.

Tom Buckland is the Founder of an organic marketing agency based in the UK. Specialising in increasing revenues on Amazon & Google, he's the #1 ranked Amazon marketing consultant & the owner of HQ SEO.