3 Things To Consider In Starting An Animation Studio

The field of animation is booming — every where around the world, we can see that animation is in high demand. The various animated contents uploaded in YouTube on a regular basis is proof to this. Additionally, some companies use animation to promote their business. And because most of these animated contents are originally created, it shows that there is a high and rapid growth in the animation industry.

Aside from promotional ads and YouTube videos, the number of animation movies released every year is also increasing. Such animated movies are being recognized by the Academy Awards — this means that if you are into this kind of projects or business, there is a need to have an actual animation studio to ensure product quality. While it is true that hiring freelance animators can help you do the work, opening an actual animation studio can better support the growth of your business. With a real studio, you can provide hands-on supervision which can help in generating better results.

The heads at Spiel Animations believe that the growth of their company truly began when they opened a professional animation studio. Opening an animation studio may be intimidating at first, but it’s not as difficult and frightening as you think when you know what to take into consideration.

It Starts With The Location

The most important thing that you need to consider is the location of the studio. This will be the place where you generate creative ideas and do the actual work — so make sure that it is somewhere comfortable and that the place is conducive for working.

Your location needs to be accessible for every one, but this does not need to be too expensive. You have to make sure that it is within your budget, especially if you are planning to rent it out. Rent that is too expensive, especially when you are just starting out, can ruin your cash flow.

Buy The Best Equipment Within Budget

When it comes to buying equipment, quality must not be compromised. Animation software require good processors, RAM, and high-speed internet connection to work properly. If you compromise on these, you will not be able to work at your maximum capacity, producing poor results.

It is ideally recommended that you have your machines customized according to your specific needs. This may be a bit more costly that just buying a ready-made equipment, but it can make a worthwhile investment for your business.

Hire Talented People

You need to build a team of talented and creative people to make sure the business runs smoothly. This includes managers, designers, and even accounting and marketing personnel. Make sure to provide hands-on support to your team, and always spend time to motivate them. This is easier said than done, and it takes a little time finally  achieve success. You just have to focus on the goal and do not give up.

Starting an animation studio isn’t really as intimidating as it sounds. It is all about planning and getting the right people for the job.

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