5 Brilliant Ways to Keep Your Online Business Secure

Cybercrime is here to stay, and small businesses with leaky security strategies will remain prime targets. If you run an eCommerce store or any other online business, you need to develop a strong cybersecurity strategy to steer clear of business-disrupting threats and reputation damage. Read on for tips to secure your business.

5 Brilliant Ways to Keep Your Online Business Secure

Choose a reputable eCommerce platform

If you are planning to set up an eCommerce business, the first ingredient to place in your security plan should be a secure eCommerce platform. There are several out there, so take the time to find one with a good balance of relevance and security. The leading lights include WordPress WooCommerce, Magento, and Shopify.

Scan your devices for malware

Each of the devices you use for transactions and to communicate with customers are potential channels for hackers to gain access to important business data. Ensure they are scanned for malware and equipped with the best antivirus software. If your business has a BYOD (bring your own device) strategy in place, teach your employees how to clean viruses of iPhones and their personal computers for enhanced data safety.

Use strong passwords

Data breaches don’t always have to be products of hacking attempts. Sometimes they arise from unauthorized persons deciphering account and device passwords and using them to access data. Setting up a strong password strategy can help reduce the prospect of someone guessing your passwords and casually logging into your system. For starters, ensure passwords are not reused in more than one account or device. Also, they should be long and made up of numbers, letters, and special characters. It would also help if you adopted a strict two-factor authentication strategy for an extra layer of security.

Train your employees

Most hackers try to use employees to gain access to company systems, mostly through phishing or deciphering their passwords. Teaching your employees the importance of cybersecurity and how to detect potentially malicious activity can significantly reduce the risk of attacks and elicit responsibility from your workforce. Every employee should know their role in ensuring data security and the steps to take in the event of a data breach.

Consider cloud-based storage

Cloud computing is both a cheaper and safer method of storing business data. Note that most cloud service providers are highly trained individuals with extensive data security knowledge. Entrusting them with your business data is the equivalent of transferring the cybersecurity burden to them. The only thing you need to do is ensure the company you work with is reputable and has the right facilities and policies to ensure your data’s privacy and safety. Most IT experts recommend storing your data in both local storage systems and the cloud.


Any data-driven business must have a plan to prevent data security threats and a recovery strategy if and when the worst happens. Hopefully, the above tips give you a place to start as you look to patch up potential vulnerabilities in your security program. You can also check with an expert for more informed advice.

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