5 Great Investment Ideas To Increase Your Profits In 2018

A lot of people are constantly looking forward to making more money than they currently are, but they fear to change careers, retiring early or swapping their current business. The uncertainty that comes with not having the job security they currently have or selling of their current business to start another one keeps them glued to one source of income. Taking up other short-term investment ideas that can operate without interrupting the current sources of income is a good start to your financial freedom if you are in this same situation. You may want to look at some of these ideas to kick-start your way to multiple income streams that do not conflict with your routine job.

Best investment ideas you should consider in 2018

Offering online courses

We spend a lot of time online watching tutorials and other specialized talks on a wide variety of topics but how often do we think of offering the same courses at a fee? The education sector has a lot of potentials as people are always searching for new knowledge that can be used to come up with new business opportunities. Students also find it more convenient to watch a short clip that summarizes a difficult concept that they could not grasp over the semester.

Get a specialist to develop a course outline and a team of people to develop the course content. You shouldn’t struggle to get this done because there is a diverse community of online freelancers who are able to do this for you for a fee. You could price the work according to your investment targets and what your expected return is. It is one of the best investment ideas related to training and education as selling your content is also easier through video course websites such as Udemy which gets millions of students visiting regularly.  

Ebooks rewriting and reselling

Ebooks are swiftly eating up the market share of content that is circulating in the mainstream published content industry. Most people prefer ebooks to physical books because once they have been purchased and downloaded can be carried on cellphones or tablets and read discretely and conveniently. On the writer’s side, there is the greater advantage of making more profits from the work done compared to having it reviewed by a chain of publishers and printers who also want to have a bigger share of the final price that gets to the reader; marketing and shipping aside.

Well, how do you go about it and manage to compete with all those award-winning authors? If the thought scares you, just know that a great percentage of what authors market as their own work was actually done by a ghost team of researchers and rant-masters in some case. You do not have to spend sleepless nights sketching outlines and writing up chapters only to trash it the next morning and start all over again. A lot of old ideas can be revamped, redone and mixed up with new ideas to come up with a whole new art piece for you to sell. Get someone to write the ebooks and training manuals for you and launch them into the market.  

Real Estate Investment Trusts & Holiday Accommodation

Do you own the property that you live in and have been thinking of a new way to make money from owning it? You could sublet part of the property or register with a holiday accommodation website to allow paying guests to use it. Some families still keep most of their house empty even when the children have moved out of the nest. Some rooms can be turned into short stay space for travelers and holidaymakers. Many people are lately avoiding the stress of looking for a good affordable hotel that charges exorbitant prices for facilities they do not need. A lot of travelers simply want to wake up in a warm and cozy bed, a fully charged phone and a hot shower immediately after.

You could sign up for a holiday accommodation listing site like Airbnb and wait for the calls to come in. With thousands of cities listed on holiday and short-stay websites, you are bound to make money out of space that was previously idle.

If you do not already have your own property and do not have enough capital to purchase a whole house, you could consider investing in a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). A REIT can be traded on an exchange and they allow people to invest money in the company which in turn will utilize that money in buying physical property. The investor usually gets a dividend after some period, with his initial investment still intact. By financial standards, the REITs typically redistribute at least 90% of the income to the shareholders, meaning that a good percentage of your investment is actually yours and it does not go to line someone else’s pockets.

Affiliate Marketing

Are you a frequent shopper of some branded items and know much about the products? A lot of these brands that we interact with daily have very attractive affiliate programs that you could take advantage of. Some smart investment ideas are literally hidden in plain sight and therefore go unnoticed. You could commit a small amount of money setting up an online business that connects buyers directly to these brands and earns affiliate income. A good affiliate program will give you a cut of between 5% and 20% on every purchase someone makes after being referred from your website. Be sure to compare the various affiliate programs involved and select a portfolio of goods that you are sure to influence people to buy your content.

Turn to the forex markets

Trading currencies online gives people a channel to make high yield profits from very small investments. Forex trading is however not for everyone because there are complexities involved in understanding money management because as much as it is easy to make profits fast, it is also easy to lose your investment in one click. A little training and understanding the various aspects of trading is recommended first before investing if you plan to trade on your own. However, automated trading reduces all the red tape involved in beginning your Forex trading career.

There are automated trading robots that assist traders in decision making over their day-trading routine, helping them identify buy-sell opportunities in the markets.

Take advantage of a managed service that simply make a choice between various high yield account packages and have that money traded automatically in the Forex market. The benefit of using this kind of arrangement is that since the accounts are also contracts in themselves, the profit is guaranteed and losses are covered by the service.

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