50 Apps to Track on Everything (Infographics)

The smartphone is now almost an extension of the businessperson and many of us are so reliant on mobile phones, and the apps they allow us to use, that our working and personal lives would come to a standstill without them. Think about how often you check your phone every day – every hour even. There are apps for pretty much everything you could think of these days, from social media platforms to apps that let you check the weather forecast, watch movies or even learn to play guitar.

This new guide created by Vouchercloud examines the 50 best applications for tracking your life – and that means almost every aspect of your life. It looks at health, travel, life, technology and work and money. Could these apps improve your business life or your free time? Take a look and see if they could benefit you.

50 Apps to Track on Everything (Infographics)

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Content Writer
Sam Butterworth is a writer, content creator and marketing consultant for Vouchercloud. Sam lives in northern England with his family.