6 Recruiting Tips Any Hiring Expert Will Be Happy to Learn

As a recruiter, you’re battling other experts in your field over top talent because attracting and retaining the best employees has become increasingly difficult since people have so many choices for jobs available. Our tips will help you get better at recruiting and hiring the best candidates. Keep reading below the tips we have for hiring the best people in your team.

Hiring fresh talent can be tricky, there’s no doubt about it. And, finding the person who ticks all the boxes is even more challenging in this competitive economy, where candidates have plenty of other jobs options. In fact, data shows that top talent gets hired by recruiters within ten days. So, there’s a lot of pressure recruiters feel to find and convince candidates to join their teams quickly.

That’s right. Things have changed over the past couple of years, and the power has shifted from recruiters to candidates. Before, this was pretty simple and straightforward for recruiters: they’d create a job posting and wait for the best candidates to apply. Yet, today, it’s more about attracting the best candidates to apply and convincing them to work for your company.

Keep reading below to find out our tips you’ll be happy to learn as they will help you attract and hire top talent a lot easier.

6 Recruiting Tips Any Hiring Expert Will Be Happy to Learn

Ask for And Accept Employee Referrals

Take it from us, or from Google’s recruitment success, but employee referrals are a really effective recruitment method. This is the simplest, and sometimes, the most effective strategy to recruit people fast.

Many companies tend to forget that their employees are actually their best advocates, that’s if you have happy employees, of course. So, why not make all your employees recruiters too? Maybe your top talent employees also know someone or someone who know someone looking for a job in your industry.

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing strategies. So, why not use it in recruiting as well?

Let your employees know that you are open to receiving referrals and they are more than encouraged to bring their most talented friends or friends of friends.

Recruiting from your employee network has plenty of benefits too. For example, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on promoting your job advertisement, and the candidates that will apply for your job are likely people that will fit well in your team and company culture since they are peers of your employees.

Write Catchy Job Descriptions

How difficult can it be to write an attractive job description, right? Well, pretty difficult if you want to attract top talent.

First of all, you need to avoid writing a dull and boring description because boredom is what potential candidates will associate with your company and likely scroll down for your competitors’ job descriptions. To not write a dull job description, avoid overly formal and too—technical industry terms.

Secondly, you need to make sure that you use appropriate language and expressions for the people you want to hire. Say, for example, that you’re looking for a creative person to hire. Well, in that case, make sure that reflects in your description. Do not use overly professional language but rather a friendlier style and language.

Besides that, make sure that what you write in your job description is the truth. If our company doesn’t recruit for a very glamorous position or it doesn’t pay at the top scale, don’t hide this in the job description because you’ll waste everyone’s time, including yours. When candidates will come for an interview and find out the truth, they’ll likely move on to a better offer.

Communicate A Strong Employee Value Proposition

If you want to attract top talent into your team, you also need to offer top scale benefits for them to choose your company over your competitors. That being said, you need to communicate that you are a company with an excellent Employee Value Proposition.

The elements required to build a strong EVP include competitive salaries, employee benefits, lanced company culture, the autonomy of the employees, and rewards and recognition.

Make sure that your best candidates find out that you offer so many benefits to attract the strongest candidates with an offer that stands out from all the other offers top talent employees get.

Streamline the Hiring Process

Besides offering plenty of attractive benefits, there’s one more thing you need to pay attention to: the candidate experience.

Here’s the deal: 73% of candidates looking for a job believe that the process of seeking for a job is one of the most stressful events in their lives, meaning that your candidates are already likely overwhelmed and tired of taking part in interviews, bringing documents, and going through all the formal processes involved in hiring.

So, to improve your best candidates’ experience and make sure that you convince them to work for your company, streamline the hiring process. In other words, simplify the process as much as possible, don’t ask for too many information and documents, and most importantly, make it quick.

The good news is that there are more tools than ever to help you make your recruiting and hiring processes more effective and quick. For example, you can use a special recruitment edition software to automate some of the tasks involved in these processes.

Ask Better Questions

As a recruiter, your goal is undoubtedly to bring onboard the most qualified candidates. So, to do that, you need to find out the right things about each candidate by asking the right questions.

Now, this a very disputable matter since for every company, what best candidates should have is different. So, a list with certain interview questions might not bring relevant answers to another company.

For example, for web designers, these questions can come in the form of a designing exercise, whereas for someone who applied for a marketing position, the questions can focus on how the candidate can improve the company’s ROI.

Bottom line, the point is that besides the traditional interview questions that all companies ask candidates, you should also prepare some more specific questions that focus on finding answers relevant to your job position, industry, and company.

Seek and Embrace Diversity

A diverse team of talented employees is a huge competitive advantage. Plus, it also looks good to potential candidates because a company that embraces diversity and encourages different people to work together is seen as very acceptant and inclusive.

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