7 Essential Factors You Need to Consider When Picking an Office Space

7 Essential Factors You Need to Consider When Picking an Office Space
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When you are looking for an office space, you need to consider several factors. This is because the decision you make greatly determines your business’ performance in the future. When you have a business, you need to take into consideration the priorities that exist when trying to expand it. Making time for the right responsibilities, however, and by filtering out bad choices, you can easily find the most beneficial business workspaces whenever you find yourself looking for office space in Miami, FL since the options are as endless as they are impressive. The key thing you should focus on is how you can present your business from outside to help get the attention of potential customers that will be passing by your office!

The impact the office space has to the business affects more than the operations and the morale of the employees to the brand recognition of the business. Below are seven essential factors you should consider when choosing the office space to ensure maximum output from your business.

  • Location

This is the most important factor to consider when choosing an office space as it has most of the contribution to the results and the main objective of the business. The most important questions that one should consider in office space selection are; if the clients can access the premises with minimal or no difficulties and can the employees get to work without any problems? Once the above factors are fulfilled, then the location may be considered right for the business. The location also opts to meet the required levels of security to ensure that the office resources are secure from a deterrent to the progress. The other thing that is essential with the location is the surrounding that is adjacent to the office, factors such as bars, food outlets and coffee shop. These can greatly contribute to the accessibility of things such as hangout joints after office hours and lunch break joints. These will improve employee morale and thus improving their output.

  • Price

This is another important aspect as the costs determine the net income for the business and the level of reserves it can manage to retain. However, the price should not be over-subsidized as it may lead to poor location and working environment. If a very little amount is spent on the office space, then the office could be sub-standard whereas if too much is spent, then it may end up over-burdening the business with extra expenses on the rent. Therefore when choosing an office to space location; ensure that the space is affordable and a three-month rent is payable upfront, then ensure that there are minimal or no hidden costs such as maintenance and parking fee. Finally, ensure that the price charged to the premises matches the space the premises covers and it is not over-charged. The whole concept under consideration is that of affordability and the avoidance of unexpected charges, therefore, compare between various options at hand before securing an office space.



  • Size

The size of the premise may be incorporated in the two previous aspects but still needs emphasis. A general requirement for the office size is that every person should have 70 square feet ideally for personal use. However, different types of businesses have different requirements and thus require your utmost consideration, if the model of the business requires bigger desks and more equipment to operate inside offices then the standard requirements may change. There are also other factors to consider such as the resting place and the meeting place; there is the need for space where you can meet with clients and office colleagues during lunch breaks and meetings. For all the necessary factors that come attached to the floor size of the office, it is important to ensure that the office size is productively oriented and enough for other important measures within the business.

American Sign Company figured if you had size you can build the rest, so they took a blank wide open space and built everything themselves.

Keeping the Office Kitchen Under Control

  • Infrastructure

Among all other factors this may dominate the list; with the modernization and the globalization of the business activities most offices require internet connectivity. Offices nowadays consider internet connection as a basic utility when hiring an office space and the internet is incorporated as part of the rent. Other infrastructural requirements include structures that meet the objective of your business and if there will be an extra cost incurred in meeting the infrastructural requirements of the business. The quality of the services also contributes significantly as well as the services, and it is corporately unhealthy when there are interferences to the activities of the business or interruptions due to the lack of input. The efficiency and the reliance on the infrastructure of the business rely on the basic queries such as internet cost, other businesses that share the same resources and may help you in time of a minor setback, dedicated postal services and the speed of the ISP.

  • Style

This may be considered as a minor factor to put in place, but it is equally as important as the rest of the considerations. Style mostly comes along with the perception that the office setting impacts on the employees and the clients. In cases where you want to build a brand, then it starts with the office style that is designed to reflect the brand image of the enterprise.

  • Image and the history associated with the site

This factor determines the perception that the surrounding and the potential clients develop about your business, if the location is associated with competitive corporate brands then your business is sure to reap major benefits from the association. In cases where the location of the business is associated with major fails for previous businesses then the clients may presume that the performance is similar to the previous businesses. If the location is associated with business failure, conduct a market research and identify the problems associated and if they are rectifiable by your business, if not, then consider a change of plan.

  • Contingency plan

Despite much preparation and planning made in securing an office space, there needs to be an exit strategy in case the office fails to work for the requirements set forth. There is always the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances such as lawsuits, structural inadequacy and change in the demographics that the business is set within. This calls for the need to have plans and the ability to leave when the need arises. Businesses that have shorter-term lease plans need to have an adequate contingency plan as the need to move may arise sooner than expected.

Home » Entrepreneur » Business Tips » 7 Essential Factors You Need to Consider When Picking an Office Space
Gemma Reeves is a seasoned writer who enjoys creating helpful articles and interesting stories. She has worked with several clients across different industries such as advertising, online marketing, technology, healthcare, family matters, and more. She is also an aspiring entrepreneur who is engaged in assisting other aspiring entrepreneurs in finding the best office space for their business.