Services offered By A Conversion Rate Optimization Agency

So, you are getting tons of organic traffic. 

That’s great!

But that doesn’t mean much if people aren’t spending time and interacting with your site, because you don’t get paid for people viewing your product. 

You get paid when people buy your product.

That’s where Conversion Rate Optimisation comes in.

It’s the process of converting strangers into leads then into customers. Part of this involves getting people to take a desired action on your website, from clicking on a link to purchasing a product.

A conversion rate optimization agency can help you with this by analyzing and editing your site and content to encourage engagement.

Here are some conversion rate optimization services a professional agency would offer.

Services offered By A Conversion Rate Optimization Agency

Heat Maps

Heat maps are a form of collecting data about user interaction with your site to reveal what is being clicked on and what isn’t.

They are represented visually by highlighting the most used areas on your site and its pages. 

It is also color-coded, with the areas clicked on the most being red and orange, while areas clicked on less are yellow and green. Areas that aren’t clicked one won’t show a color.

It looks very similar to weather maps and thermal imaging.

There are different types of heat maps that can also track:

  • How far down people scroll
  • Mouse movement
  • Eye movement (this needs to be tested in a lab)
  • Mobile phone usage

A conversion rate agency can use heat maps to analyze your site to see which areas are working and which ones need improvement.

Website Speed

Slow website loading times are a major deterrent to people staying on your site.

And with people’s attention spans seeming to get shorter every day, you will want your website to load as fast as possible.

A conversion rate optimization agency can analyze your loading time and then help you decrease it.

Create Effective Links

If you want someone to click on something, you need to give them something to click on.

In the process of building your website, links to your other pages will be embedded naturally and in your directories.

However, a conversion rate optimization agency can help you strategically place those links in areas and with anchor text that will encourage users to click on them.

They can also craft content to create effective links.


A Call To Action (CTA) is a link that, when clicked, sends the user to a landing page where they give you their information in exchange for something (content, free trial, discount, etc.).

Landing pages are super important because they help you determine and qualify leads. But you need people to click your CTA so they can be officially converted into a lead.

When creating a CTA, you need:

  • Compelling anchor text
  • An incentive to click
  • To place it in the right spot
  • A landing page with an efficient loading time

A conversion rate optimization company can help with all of the above.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is sending to different versions of your site, a page, a newsletter, etc., and testing them to see which performs better in terms of getting conversions.

This could include:

  • Using different landing pages
  • Writing different content
  • Placing a link in another spot
  • Different visual layout/design
  • Pretty much any kind of change.

A/B testing is really effective because it can give you data to answer the question, “Which is better?

A/B testing isn’t easy to implement and carry out, but a conversion rate optimization agency usually offers A/B testing service.

And More

These are just some of the conversion rate optimization services a professional agency can offer.

In addition, they can:

  • Help with PPC
  • Craft growth hacking strategies
  • Implement multivariate testing 

They are a conversion rate optimization agency, and on their website, you can read more about the above services, all of which they offer.

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