Adding Some Style To Your Business Booth

Your business needs a marketing hand, and you want to know that any effort you make here is going to pay off. You want a marketing opportunity that’s going to put your name in lights, and make sure you’ve got just the right network to launch yourself off of. But how do you do that, in both a professional and cost effective manner? Well, the more business events and speaker conferences you attend, the better a chance you have of making your name known amongst your fellow entrepreneurs. And they’re a great place to start!

Not only that, but the better your business style in these kinds of situations, the better you’re going to stand out from the crowd. So with all that in mind, let’s make sure your business booth has something memorable about it, the next time you set one up.

tech giants are setting up a database for terrorist content."
You don’t want your networking booth to blend in with the rest of the grey.

Choose Your Representatives Wisely

Sure, you’re the boss, and you’ve got a senior manager beneath you to help keep the mill running smoothly. But are you both the best people to represent the company at conference, with you milling in and out with permanent smiles on your face? Are you both going to be willing to catch the attention of any passerby, in any way possible, when you’ve got a booth at an event?

Or are there more energetic and charismatic people on your team that you know would do a stand up job here? Maybe someone who’s in a junior position and is eager to impress for a promotion? Maybe one of your HR team, who always knows the right thing to say to put people at ease in the face of corporate? Shouldn’t it be these people representing your business?

Get Yourself an Interesting Backdrop

If you’ve got a business booth to be setting up, and you’ve had a place booked at this event for months now, you’re going to want to make sure you’re not wasting your chance. You don’t want people to barely give you a second look when they’re walking by! You want them to stop and ask, and for you to be able to pitch your good and services.

And one of the best ways to do that is to have an interesting backdrop. It’s one of the most obvious ways to incorporate style into your booth, so be sure to look up what walls designs and customisation options are out there. It’s a conversation starter at least, and a selfie worthy moment at most!

Offer Some Activities

Whether it be the chance to grab some free merchandise, or to be entered into a prize draw, or to pick the name of the teddy bear you have sitting on your bench in order to win 50% off a year’s subscription of whatever you offer, make sure you’ve got booth activities!

Adding style to your business booth doesn’t have to be hard. Try brainstorming ideas like these.

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