Attract More Customers In 3 Sure Fire Steps

For your business to be a success, you need to have a loyal customer base. Your clientele are the individuals that will drive money into your venture allowing you to build your brand and keep your cash flow buoyant. The more customers you can attract, the more orders you will achieve, and the more fluid your supply chain can become. If you are eager to compete with your rivals as a startup, you need to hit the ground running and build momentum in a range of spheres. Take a look at how you can attract more customers in three sure-fire steps.

Attract More Customers In 3 Sure Fire Steps

Get Online

In the twenty-first century, you need to be online. Social media is a fantastic way to get your business more visible. Ensure that you have a Facebook page, a Twitter feed, and an Instagram account at the very least. These platforms can enable you to project your wares, products and services to a global audience.

Often a website isn’t enough. Organic traffic is hard to come by and you need social media channels to direct traffic to the shop pages of your site. Facebook pages are great sources for millennials to check out the reviews of your business. A Twitter feed allows you to hone your company voice and you can communicate with your customers. Be chatty and informal rather than corporate and stuffy. Post relevant content that is shareable and you can increase your follower numbers and your paying customers. And Instagram is a perfect platform in a visual sense, making it ideal for those creative industries.


Your website needs to be an attractive visual showcase that shows off your products and services. It needs to be easy to navigate. Ensure that you stick to the rule of three. Everything that your potential customer needs should be within three clicks. This keeps customers on your website, otherwise, they could get frustrated and head elsewhere. Compete with your rivals by having a site that offers something unique. Show products in action, have a linked blog and give a little bit of information about the people behind the brand. Younger customers are eager to see who they are buying from so tap into this psyche.


You need to build a solid reputation to give potential customers the confidence to purchase from you. Ensure that you are protecting your business with the relevant insurances. By being linked to a professional body and having a certification, you can give your customers further confidence in your credentials. Positive feedback is also very important to ensure orders. Get onto the Feefo and Trustpilot sites and build that bank of positive reviews. Use some of them on your website and have a testimonials page. You need to show off the excellence of your customer experience. If you know that you can deliver a product in two days, state that you can deliver it in three. This makes it appear that you have gone the extra mile and shows that you value your customers. A positive reputation is crucial to building customer numbers.

Follow this guide and you can attract more customers in three simple steps.

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