Amazon Gets Approval for Drone Test in U.K.

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Shop online. Place an order. Get your item delivered within the day. Sounds familiar? Well, imagine it this time with a robotic flying machine landing on your doorstep with your purchased product.

This scenario has been the goal of Amazon’s Prime Air plana conceptual delivery system that aims to use unmanned aerial vehicles, more commonly known as drones, to deliver products to purchasing customers. Last Monday, Amazon announced that it has gotten the green light from the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to test their drones.

In a statement the UK government said that the partnership with Amazon was to support drone innovation and hopefully integrate them into the overall innovation system. “These tests by Amazon will help inform our policy and future approach,” said CAA Policy Director Tom Johnson.

Paul Misener, Amazon’s Vice President of Global Innovation Policy and Communications, said that development of drone technology will improve customer experience and benefit the industry and society as well.

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