Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Launches Tourism Value Chain Job Fair

In celebration of the  Cebu Business Month (CBM), the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI)  hosted the Tourism Value Chain Job Fair at the Marco Polo Hotel. The event aims to promote job and tourism opportunities in Cebu.

Julie Najar, the General Manager of Marco Polo Plaza Cebu, gave her short remarks in appreciation to all of the organizers and exhibitors that were present at the event. The Overall Chairman of the CBM, Christian Paro-an, then gave his opening message which highlighted the organization’s goal to reduce unemployment and underemployment in the city.

Najar and Paro-an were joined by Fidel Magno of the Department of Manpower Placement and Development and Provincial Tourism Officer Mary Grace Paulino for the ribbon cutting ceremony which formally opened the event.

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A political science graduate and a struggling law student with a relentless passion for writing. He keeps himself updated on the latest developments in science, technology, business, law and politics. John also loves to play the guitar, read books, play chess, and occasionally write poetry.