Global Trade Deal Hits a Snag from McConnell’s New Stance

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) suggested that Congress will not vote on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) until after the 2016 elections, undermining hopes that the far-reaching trade deal would be quickly ratified. The deal is supported by both President Obama and Congressional Republicans, including Sen. McConnell, suggesting the potential for prompt adoption of the treaty.

It lacks comparable public support, however, as many believe it will lead to job losses in the American manufacturing sector. Election season’s politics could complicate eventual passage of the treaty if it becomes a prominent campaign issue. Several Republican candidates as well as Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton publicly oppose the TPP though she supported the initiative as Secretary of State.

McConnell’s new stance suggests a vote may be postponed until a new president takes office.

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Camille Marie Marcon is a professional creative content writer who has worked for international companies from American to British to Australian and now Japanese. She has also worked as Freelance Marketing Consultant for a local startup in Cebu.