LiquiGuide: say goodbye to mayonnaise sticking to the bottle!

Lo and behold all mayonnaise-lover, this remarkable innovation is making its rounds in the market. Albeit sounding funny, a Norwegian company introduced a new product that enables liquid such as mayonnaise to slide off from the insides of the bottle without any residues on the side.

A coating technology developed by Orkla – a Norwegian foods company is first to use this type of innovation called Liquiguide.

from oil and gas, to better consumer packaging, to medical equipment, we custom develop slippery surface solutions for any viscous liquid. – Orkla

Chief Executive Dave Smith says he came up with the advancement during his studies at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) while working on oil-clogging preventions.

The said “revolutionary coating” can pave the way to more hassle-free consumer products. We’re positive that in the succeeding years, we’ll witness a brand-new approach to products like toothpaste, ketchup, jam and whatnot. Indeed the food packaging industry is experiencing a revolution right about now.

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