July 14, 2020: US, Europe, and Asian Equities Quick Review


The Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX: DJI) or DJIA closed at 26,085.80 (+0.04% DoD)

S&P 500

Standard and Poor or S&P 500 closed at 3,155.22 (-0.94% DoD)

MSCI Europe

The MSCI Europe closed at 123.24 (+1.00% DoD)


The MSCI APxJ closed at 549.62 (+0.43% DoD)

July 14, 2020: US, Europe, and Asian Equities Quick Review

Investors’ sentiment on US equities was mixed as the majority weighed on the surge of COVID-19 cases with the progress on the potential vaccine. European equities continue to rise as investors anticipate better consensus earnings and incoming economic data releases as driven by the easing in restrictions due to the pandemic. Meanwhile, in the Asian region, Asian equities moved up due to investors’ optimism about Chinese data to be released this week. China is expected to report within the week its 2Q20 growth, trade, and retails data, and industrial outlook for the rest of 2020 and the coming years.

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