Don Forman Las Vegas: Shining Example For All

Don Forman is a Las Vegas businessman and philanthropist. Forman is a strategic businessman who has found success with his Nissan dealerships, but success is not his only priority. What everyone can learn from Forman is that any one person can make the choice to make a difference in the lives of others. Whether you give of your time, money, or resources to make a difference in your community, any effort, large or small, can have a positive ripple effect that can impact many. Don Forman Las Vegas plays a huge role in the local car market by encouraging the sale and distribution of a wide range of vehicles.

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Fox5 Surprise Squad

Forman does a lot of his local charitable acts through his partnership with the Fox5 Surprise Squad. The Surprise Squad is a local powerhouse of positivity and change. What the Squad and Forman do is find local stories of people or groups in need and surprise them with some sort of help. Most often, those chosen are using their resources, often limited, to do good for others, and what the Squad does is support those efforts by helping them so they can continue to help others.

Some examples of Squad and Forman’s efforts are providing vehicles for individuals like Greg Zanis who was making delivering wooden crosses and delivering them to mark the graves of fallen victims of massacres and shootings. Forman and the Squad gifted Zanis a new truck so he spread his good work and intentions more easily and be able to reach more people.

Surprise Squad has done numerous amazing things over the years. Providing a larger home for a woman who fosters children is but one act Forman and the Squad are known for. Also helping groups like schools when they are trying to raise funds to make improvements to their facility or go on class trips is another way they impact their community through kindness and charitable assistance.

Gifting what is needed to those doing good is a way to impact the community as a whole with one charitable act at a time. Forman and the Fox5 Surprise Squad have made a huge impact already and will continue to do so for many years to come.

Forman Prioritizes

After the 2017 Las Vegas shootings, Forman showed that the bottom line is not the bottom line for all businessmen. In the wake of the shootings, Forman saw his local community struggling to comprehend what had happened and wanted to help in any way he could. Forman used his dealership as a hub to help those involved in responding to the shootings. He offered rides to those wanting to donate blood to help victims of the shootings and started a shuttle service from his dealership. Forman actually closed his dealership to shoppers so he could use his vehicles, building, and employees to help and spread the message of hope, philanthropy, and community solidarity.

In the wake of tragedy, it’s hard to find bright spots to cling to and remind everyone that there is more in the world then evil and hate. Forman stepped up to show that there are helpers everywhere and in every community. Although Forman is a businessman, he knows when to put the mighty dollar on the back burner and prioritize.

Don Forman Las Vegas is a good example to all. He embodies the entrepreneurial spirit of hard work, dedication and sacrifice, but he also values community service, charity, and making a difference that others can follow. Owner of Nissan dealerships in Las Vegas and California, Forman also plays an important role in keeping the car markets busy and bustling in his communities.

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