Equipment You Are Likely to Invest In When Setting Up a Small Scale Health Clinic

When you set up a small scale health clinic as part of a business venture, it’s important to ensure that the medics operating within it have access to all necessary equipment to take good care of their patients. Here are just a few different pieces of equipment that you should definitely consider investing in.

IV Carts

IV therapy stands for “intravenous” therapy and is a means of administering liquid substances directly into a patient’s veins. This form of therapy helps to replace lost fluids in the body, correct electrolyte imbalances, or to administer an infusion with the aid of gravity. IV used for infusions are often referred to as a “drip”. In order for medical employees to organise supplies associated with IV preparation, you will want to invest in IV Carts. This will give them an expansive and sturdy work surface that provides sufficient space to effectively prepare IV solutions.

Ultrasound Systems

A sonogram (more commonly referred to as an ultrasound scan) is a common medical procedure that is carried out on a daily basis in most practices. When a medic carries out an ultrasound procedure, they use ultrasound systems which emit high-frequency sound waves to then create an internal image of a specific part of an individual’s body. We most commonly associate this type of scan and equipment with pregnant individuals, as an ultrasound can be used to show the heartbeat of an unborn baby while they are still in the womb. However, ultrasounds are carried out on a whole host of other body parts such as the gullet or the stomach for various other medical diagnoses to be made and procedures to be carried out.


While you are unlikely to carry out any form of major heart surgery in a small scale health clinic, it is still a good idea to have equipment on hand to deal with a cardiac arrest should one of your patients suffer from one. This is why you need to invest in a defibrillator. This will only be used in emergency situations. It is a device which generates a high impulse electrical shock, which can then be applied to the area it is applied to the patient’s heart through the chest wall. While these devices can often be found and made available in many public areas, they are most commonly used in ambulances hospital theatres and are definitely something you should invest in for your clinic.

These are just three different types of equipment that you might want to invest in for your small scale health clinic. There are, of course, various other pieces of equipment and supplies that you will inevitably need to buy in the process of setting up. But these few items should help you to get started in the right direction!

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