For a long time, recruiting for a business has been focused on experience and qualifications. It made sense, after all, because if you’re running a business with a lot of money on the line you’re going to want people working for you who know what they’re doing. Sadly, it’s not that simple. Just because someone has worked in their chosen industry for a decade, that doesn’t mean they are a promising recruit. They might be more qualified to do a job than someone who just graduated from university, but are they really going to be the best choice for your startup?
Graduates are cheaper
A veteran that has been working for a long time in the industry is, without a doubt, a great asset to your startup. However, consider the amount of money you’ll have to pay them—money that you probably can’t afford. When you take a look at graduates, you’ll realize that it doesn’t cost as much money to hire someone fresh out of university because they are almost desperate to look for a job to start paying off their student loans. You can also start an internship program if you want to get a few cheap recruits to test the waters before you hire them as a full-time employee.
Graduates are comfortable with modern technology
In the past, industry veterans had a hard time adapting to modern technologies such as smartphones and computers because it was a relatively new technology. However, graduates in the following generation had no trouble picking up new technology because they grew up with it. According to Statista, the use of smartphones will continue to rise over the next couple of years and graduates are going to be more and more in tune with the latest modern technology, making it easy for them to adapt to new business technologies.
Graduates know the web
As a younger generation that grew up with modern technology, graduates are no strangers to using the internet. You can use this to your advantage in many ways. For instance, you could hire graduates through online social media advertisement campaigns or website promotions. Services such as https://recruitmenttraffic.com can help you boost the number of hits you get for your recruitment posts, increasing the likelihood of you getting a suitable and promising candidate. In addition to being familiar with the internet, graduates are usually great with social media as well. This gives them an advantage in fields such as marketing because they understand internet trends and fads.
Graduates are eager to impress
University graduates aren’t looking for a job—they want a career. They’re hungry individuals that are eager to succeed and do some good for themselves which is why they put in 110% into everything they do. Unlike industry veterans that have been working in their chosen industry for a long time, graduates will be eager to impress their employers in order to rise up the career ladder and aim for promotions. This makes graduates some of the hardest working employees you can hire to give your business the boost it needs to succeed.