How HR Teams Can Benefit From Using Slack

The world of business is dynamic, and certain brands are under a lot of pressure if they want to succeed. New business models, customer behavior changes, new technologies, trends, and competition are what a business has to overcome.

Keeping employees engaged and happy is one of the priorities for companies that are aiming for the top. It is no surprise to see the emphasis on HR departments as so many business leaders are turning to human resources for help. Business leaders want to create a plan that transforms a business strategy into action.

But it is not just the business world that is changing. HR departments have to adapt to changes as well. Attracting the modern workforce can be difficult if you lack the right approach to recruiting, pay, and diversity.

Implementing the right tools universally in the company can help every employee collaborate better. Nowadays, emails, meetings, and even conference calls do not cut it. Modern employees prefer different means of communication.

Slack could be the answer to the problem. A big portion of the tool’s growth can be attributed to HR leaders. Slack provides automation for human resources professionals and helps these professionals introduce positive change in the company. Here are some examples of how HR departments can benefit from using this business communication platform.

How HR Teams Can Benefit From Using Slack

Benefit #1 – Improve Recruiting and Hiring

Finding the best talent is no simple matter, especially if you are in a competitive market. Moreover, if you are looking for the best possible candidate for an important position in the company, it is necessary to discuss details between multiple departments within the company.

Create a private channel on Slack where you can talk about salary, work hours, responsibilities, qualities, and other aspects recruits should have. Involve hiring managers, recruiters, and heads of departments because every side will have something to add to the conversation.

Work together and decide on the final job description. When everyone involved is satisfied, pin the information on the channel for visibility.

Create a second private channel where you share resumes and discuss potential recruits. Emphasize standout resumes, pin them on the channel. After an interview is over, interviewers can share their feedback and decide which candidates are eligible for further interviews.

A detailed collaboration between everyone involved in the recruiting process will significantly increase the odds of hiring the best talent.

Benefit #2 – Boost Employee Engagement

Employees who dedicate themselves to work want to feel like they are part of the company and have their say on relevant and important matters.

You can create a channel where everyone is invited to ask senior executives questions. Such interactions promote transparency and encourage open dialogue between different levels of the company.

HR can also use Slack to create regular engagement surveys and ask for employee feedback. Promoting resource groups is another excellent piece of advice. Resource groups gather people with shared interests and build communities within the company. Employees have opportunities to socialize with each other and meet outside of work, which is great for morale, employee retention, and team building.

Finally, you can develop recognition programs and use Slack to share fellow colleagues’ achievements and reward them by announcing the results on relevant Slack channels. Recognition among peers is valuable, and rewards from the higher-ups show that the company cares about you.

Benefit #3 – Provide Support

In its plethora of features, Slack also allows self-service for employees. Workers can search for relevant information, such as company policies on medical plans or vacations, by filtering results of channels, dates, and who shared the details. Employees do not have to bombard HR with questions because the information is pinned on relevant channels for everyone to see.

Automated reminders keep everyone on track. Workers do not have to dedicate their time to set reminders because Slack will send them information about deadlines.

Slack can and should be used to develop training programs. Slack eliminates miscommunication among learners and teachers because it works as a hub with all the information you can share. Human resources will have more time to focus on other ways to improve the company when there is a central place to share knowledge.

Benefit #4 – Help New Employees Adjust

Recruits can become part of the company right away, but some require more time to adjust. It can be difficult to feel like you are part of the team when there is no warm welcome or clear indications of where to start.

HR can create a Slack channel for welcoming new employees to make them feel like they belong. In addition to the #welcome channel, there should also be a channel that talks about the company’s policies.

New hires will also find it easier to adjust to a new environment if they can explore channels and find relevant information on Slack instead of opening their email box, full of forwarded messages, or seeing a stack of papers on their desk.

Finally, it will take less time to make friends at work when there are channels for common interests. For example, a channel dedicated to having lunch together simplifies planning lunch outings and strengthening relationships within the company.

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