How To Create A Feasible Business Plan For Your Website

The business world is significantly affected by the ongoing pandemic, resulting in a drastic shift of businesses operations from traditional to digital. Having said that, it is a must for every business to create a feasible business plan by way of creating or enhancing their respective business websites to still be able to reach their target audience even in these trying times when staying at home is a must.

In this post, you will be learning some tips on how to create a feasible business website plan, which will serve as your reference guide in making yours.

Employ Business Intelligence Software

Business intelligence software consists of digital tools that help companies benefit from the power of data analytics, geared towards making smarter business decisions. Business owners should ensure that BI software would be a part of their business plans.

According to a business intelligence software provider, there are about 2.5 quintillion bytes of created data every day, with 82 percent of enterprises prioritizing analytics and business intelligence (BI) as a major part of their budgets. By 2022, there will be an expected increase in the global business intelligence market of up to 34.4 billion dollars.

Here are the benefits of using business intelligence software:

  • Business intelligence software helps business owners and their employees derive meaningful and accurate insights from raw data.
  • BI software, policies, procedures, and infrastructure all boost smarter, data-driven business decision-making.
  • Unlike in the past, when BI software was exclusively used by data analysts or the information technology (IT) industry, you and your employees can easily learn and use BI tools, regardless of your data skillset, because of self-service functionality.

Revamp Your Website Design

A part of your business plan for your website should be determining if it’s the best time to revamp or redesign it. But, how do you know if your business website needs a revamp? You have to answer some key questions, such as “Does your web design for your business website look outdated?” or, “Are your conversions and sales decreasing?”

If you have received user complaints about navigation, user experience, or any design-related issues, then, it’s high time to redesign your website before suffering the consequences. But, of course, there’s always a risk of doing this step, so you have to know the web elements that would require changes. What elements should be changed to improve your website? Do you need to modify the site-wide template layout, imagery, navigation bar design, shopping cart, form layouts, fonts, or the homepage headline?

Ease of navigation, readability, and usefulness are some of the important qualities of a great website. The best approach is to design your website using evolutionary site redesign, which involves testing the following:

  • Site-wide design styles
  • Product page templates
  • Logo, header, and tagline
  • Landing page design and content
  • Lead generation forms
  • Shopping cart and checkout
  • Product and service value proposition statements
  • Home page design
  • Imagery and ads
  • Copywriting, offers, and calls to action

Enhance Website Security

Once you have adopted reliable business intelligence software and redesigned your website, it’s time to enhance your website security as a part of a feasible business plan for your website. More people are interested in dealing with online transactions, and consumers are more aware of the risks involved.
That’s why it’s high time to enhance your website security through the following:

  • Strengthening your passwords
  • Updating your software regularly
  • Installing website plugins to enhance security
  • Protecting your website against SQL injections
  • Combating cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks or malicious scripts with content security policy (CSP) for an added layer of security
  • Guarding data transfers with HTTPS or encrypted data
  • Testing using reliable website security tools

Use A Combination Of Effective Digital Marketing Strategies

It’s important to implement various online marketing strategies to capture a wider audience base. More and more businesses are crowding on Google and other search engines, trying to get the buy-in of consumers. Without a sound marketing strategy, your business will be left behind.

Here are some examples of digital marketing tactics you might want to implement this year on your business website:

  • Boosting your search engine optimization or SEO
  • Revamping your email marketing campaign
  • Accelerating your social media marketing strategies
  • Considering artificial intelligence marketing through virtual reality and augmented reality


A feasible business plan for your website must include using BI tools, assessing your website design, enhancing website security, and using a great combination of digital marketing strategies. By implementing all of these things, you’ll have a better business website, which you can use to promote your products and services, and even perform various business transactions, like online selling and service appointment setting.

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