Ideazon: Can They Really Help Take Your Business To The Next Level?

If you have the next big concept but don’t want to give up equity to a venture capitalist, crowdfunding may be for you. Of course, deciding that you want to try crowdfunding and actually securing the money you need are two very different things. If you want your crowdfunding campaign to be a success, the experts at Ideazon can help you market your idea.

Crowdfunding Vs. Venture Capital

Traditionally, entrepreneurs secure funding from a venture capitalist in exchange for a stake in their company. For example, you might get $500,000 in exchange for 50 percent of your business. This system isn’t terrible, but it has several drawbacks. First, it means that you are no longer the only one with equity in your idea. If you need to raise money too often, you may end up with only a small percentage of your enterprise.

That means that you could lose control of your concept, as the investors can outvote you if they have enough equity. At that point, why be an entrepreneur in the first place?

By contrast, crowdfunding allows you to seek multiple small contributions adding up to $500,000 (or whatever you need) instead of getting it all from one source. Your backers are compensated by getting priority access to your product or service, allowing you to keep your entire company. You also have the option of putting a tiered incentive structure in place, allowing larger donors to receive special perks above and beyond what smaller donors receive. Still, you’ll maintain control of your idea’s final direction.

How Ideazon Can Help You Stand Out from The Crowd

There are several platforms to choose from to host your crowdfunding campaign, including IndieGogo and Kickstarter. However, they all have the same basic structure. Your idea receives a limited block of time to reach a financial goal that you choose. If you meet or exceed it, you’re in business! If not, you don’t get to keep anything you raised.

Clearly, it is very important to meet your financial goal. However, this is becoming more challenging as more ideas are competing for a limited supply of investor dollars. Ideazon is a marketing agency that has specialized in helping entrepreneurs reach their crowdfunding goals since 2012. They perform strategic research and devise a marketing strategy ideally suited to your idea’s target audience, ensuring that your message resonates. They can also help you shoot video and launch a viral social media marketing campaign to ensure that your idea gets noticed.

What Type of Clients Have Worked With Ideazon In The Past?

Ideazon had its first successes in the computer gaming industry, helping to launch specialized gaming keyboards for popular titles such as EverQuest II. They have since branched out however, working with a variety of clients across a broad range of industries. Whether you need to raise $5,000 or $1 million, Ideazon has the expertise to take your idea to the next level!

Connect with Ideazon And Bring Your Idea To Life

If you’re interested in learning more about the services Ideazon can provide, you can visit the company online at Ideazon and set up a free telephone consultation with no obligation. You can also follow the company on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the exciting crowdfunding industry!

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