Moovit Expands Features for Blind Users

Moovit’s latest upgrade includes features that enables blind people to take transit using TalkBack and VoiceOver integration, making things a lot easier for them. The upgrade was inspired by one …

TY Firm Aiming for Majority Stake in Profriends

Starting this year, GT Capital Holdings, the holding company for George Ty’s businesses, is raising its stake in Profriends. GT Capital President Maria Bautista revealed in a phone interview that …

Twitter Kills Tweetdeck for Windows

A change has been made to make things easier for Twitter users. Users no longer have to switch between its desktop app, TweetDeck, and its website. There is more no …

Ayala Retail Bonds Maintain Highest Ratings

Ayala Corp maintained its excellent retail bonds. PhilRatings proclaimed that it retained the PRS Aaa credit rating for its P10 billion retail bonds, which are due on April 30th, 2017. …