Can You Run Your Entire Business in the Cloud?

As the internet continues to evolve, so do its uses as a tool for business. The Web is no longer just a device for simple communication or research. Cloud computing, or using remote servers to store and manage large amounts of data, is becoming mainstream. According to the 2016 IDG Cloud Computing Survey, 70 percent of organizations use cloud technology as a “staple” to their infrastructure. The allure of moving all or part of a business to the cloud lies in its convenience. 

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Setting up, maintaining, and monitoring on-site data centers is a large task requiring dedicated personnel. It’s often less expensive to outsource this undertaking. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) provides the infrastructure that includes servers, physical computing power, data management, networking capabilities and more. Some IaaS providers also offer support services. These cover a large range, including security, monitoring, billing, and backup. 

A curated IaaS option frees up business owners to focus less on the technical running of their business and more on their product, clients, and employees. A comprehensive security plan goes hand-in-hand with this. It protects business information both at the server level and while traveling across the web. With careful protective measures, concerns about data safety, server upkeep, and other technical matters are contracted out to specialists. 

Marketing Management

It’s no longer possible to ignore the importance of online marketing and social media. In 2017, 81 percent of people in the United States used social media. To reach this ever-connected market, businesses need to have a presence online as well. Many studies support the influence of social media and internet SEO on consumer choices.

There are many cloud services available to help manage online marketing. These software companies specialize in aspects of online marketing that range from email and outbound marketing to social media curation, to SEO and inbound marketing. The huge range of ways in which businesses and consumers use the internet makes in-house handling of marketing a daunting job. Specialized software is the de facto response to the workload and allows a social media and marketing specialists to work efficiently and effectively.


With US consumers spending five hours a day on mobile devices, communication using mobile means continues to be a relevant concern for business owners. Cloud computing addresses this both from the worker and consumer side. On the one hand, software that easily allows customers and clients to contact a business ensures that customers feel valued and connected. Similarly, cloud-based PBX phone systems allow businesses that do not want a landline to remain reachable by customers, even when the employees are on a mobile device, not at a desk.

Internal communication is equally important, and cloud-based software solutions to maximize its effectiveness are common. Choices include video conferencing, project management and collaboration applications, and group chats. These options encourage organization and collaboration in a workforce, whether they are present in an office or spread across the globe. 

Cloud computing is now not only a basic tool of the modern workforce but a diverse and powerful resource. With the constant technological advancement of the modern world, internet-based applications will continue to develop and progress. Utilizing these tools allows businesses to remain efficient and effective in the modern world.

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