It’s Time To Transform Your Idea Of Marketing

Today, we’re living in what many call the age of information technology. Due to the advent of the internet, we have information on any topic that we could dream of at the ends of our fingertips. A simple search online will provide you with answers to just about any question. For quite a while now, this has shaped the way many businesses go about marketing. Today, businesses work to create content, providing internet searchers with information and hoping that these searchers become customers. Unfortunately however, many find that this simply doesn’t work. At the end of the day, it’s time to transform how we think about marketing.

Are Consumers Really Looking For Information?

A big question that we need to ask ourselves when creating a marketing plan is “What is my target audience looking for?” While the simple conclusion to jump to is, information. No matter what they are searching for, ultimately, it is believed that the searcher is looking for information on that topic. But is that really what’s going on?

There Is A Big Difference Between Information and Transformation

The truth of the matter is that while information is indeed possible, nine times out of ten, it’s not what your target audience is looking for. Ultimately, consumers have plenty of information, what they really want is transformation. This is an idea that was first coined by Russell Ruffino, founder of Clients on Demand who has lived an incredible rags to riches story. So, what does transformation mean and why is it important? Consider the following example:

Let’s say that a potential new customer searches online for ways to lose weight. After all, weight loss is one of the highest demand searches online today. With so much demand surrounding this search, you could imagine that there is plenty of information out there. But do you think that the searcher really wants this information? Those who want to lose weight have likely read countless articles and have all of the information they could want. The truth of the matter is, it’s not information that they want. It’s transformation.

When searching for ways to lose weight, searchers likely don’t care to read another 100 articles. They know that reading articles hasn’t led to results. What they want is transformation. They want something that WORKS and they want something that WORKS NOW!

Bringing This Idea Into Your Business Marketing Efforts

At the end of the day, your product or service, whatever it might be, was designed to lead to results. It is designed around what your target audience wants, and it is designed to provide that transformation that your potential customers are looking for. Now, it’s time to design your marketing efforts around that.

Ultimately, in marketing today, we publish information around the web and try to get as many people as possible to view it. However, much of this information is basic knowledge that has little to do with what your products or services actually provide. Instead of this, it’s a good idea to focus on the transformation that your product provides. Sending out the message that consumers will get the results that they want is first and foremost.

Once you’ve got the marketing concept built around results, it’s time to dial down your audience a bit. Instead of focusing on getting as many people as possible to see your ad, start focusing on who is seeing your ad. What consumers will see value in the transformation that your product provides? For example, if you’re marketing a weight loss plan, it doesn’t make sense to market that plan to fit consumers. Instead, it’s important to dial your marketing efforts down to make sure that those seeing your ad are overweight and have a desire to lose weight. Doing so, not only will you attract the right customers, with the marketing now centered around transformation rather than information, your ad will likely excite those who see it, leading to a strong conversion rate.

What You Should Take From All Of This

At the end of the day, as business owners, marketers, entrepreneurs and dreamers, we have come to the conclusion that information sells. However, information has nothing on transformation. By focusing your marketing on the transformative results that your product or service provides, you’ll likely see incredible results from your efforts.

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