Make Your Digital Marketing Pop with This Guide

Make Your Digital Marketing Pop with This Guide

Effective digital marketing should be about deepening engagement with strangers who have the potential to become customers. With this in mind, it’s important that your digital marketing campaign really stands out among the rest. Yes, this does seem like obvious advice. But not enough people seem to be following it! Everywhere you look, there are bland marketing campaigns on show.

The average person sees digital marketing campaigns all the time. But they tend to forget the vast majority of it, simply because there isn’t enough invention in it. So here is a quick guide to the things you need to keep in mind as you develop a digital marketing campaign. They may sound vague for now, but they’re the precise principles you need to keep in mind if you want to make your digital marketing pop!

Keep it clear

What exactly are you trying to say in your campaign? What are you selling? There are a lot of adverts out there that are surprisingly vague – they look interesting, but the product or service that’s being promoted isn’t actually clear. You walk away from it forgetting the name of the company it was supposed to promote. Your message – and your desired response – should always be clear.

Make it bright

High-quality photography and animation are always going to help your adverts stick out a little more. But pretty much everything about your campaign should really stick out visually. This includes all of the platforms you’re using. Social media marketing is a big part of this pursuit, so you need to ensure those accounts of yours really stick out. Tools like social media templates can help here.

Be individual

So many businesses make the mistake of simply trying to do what other companies are doing, because, hey, it worked for them, right? When an industry develops this linear, hive mind mentality, it can be difficult to pick one out from the pack. People will end up just going with the biggest name. Surely all of this is against the point of digital marketing in the first place? Stand out from your competitors. Find an element of your industry that your competitors aren’t talking about and make that a prime part of your campaign.

Timing is key

Marketing doesn’t really stop. A business is always going to be marketing if they want to keep up. But particular campaigns can be timed. The most obvious example of this is at Christmas, when marketing campaigns all across the board start to incorporate Christmas themes. But events in your industry, as well as in the world or even local news, can also present such an opportunity. The right timing can make your business stand out as much more modern and with-it than out companies – and that’s a very attractive selling point.

Surprise people

People are always surprised when they find that they enjoy a piece of marketing. So making a really good campaign can, in itself, include an element of surprise. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t actively seek to add surprise to your campaign. Try making onlookers feel less like passive consumers of a marketing campaign – surprise them!

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