Everything You Want To Know About Outsourced Vs. In-House Marketing

Marketing is one of the most important fundamental pillars of any business. Whether you’re a small, medium, or large startup company, you have two main options when it comes to marketing. You can either outsource your marketing service or employ a team of individuals into your in-house marketing department. However, the best option for you between the two will be influenced by a number of factors, including the size of your company, your area of business, your competition in the market, and the specific marketing tasks at hand. More importantly, the option you pick between in-house and outsourced marketing will affect your company’s overall marketing budget. This being the case, here are some helpful pointers that basically summarize everything you need to know about outsourced vs. in-house marketing.

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Overall Marketing Costs

According to most studies, outsourced marketing tends to be more cost-effective compared to in-house marketing. this is because employing a marketing team will attract more costs such as health insurance, pension, recruitment fees, training fees, and sick pay, just to name a few. On the other hand, outsourcing from a reputed marketing agency will almost immediately provide you with the marketing skills and experience your business requires. You ROI can as well start benefiting immediately.

SEO and Internet Marketing

In today’s business world, search engine optimization is regarded as the magic silver bullet that any wise entrepreneur should have. But to make the most out of it, it requires a dedicated team, preferably one that has an extensive level of experience in the industry. While you can approach search marketing, PPC, and SEO in-house, outsourcing these from an experienced SEO agency can be the better option for your business, especially considering the complex and extremely involving nature of SEO tasks. However, some online marketing tasks such as social media marketing and email marketing can do better when done in-house.

Company Size

The size of your business will also dictate the best option for you between outsourced and in-house marketing. If you’re a well-established company with enough staff members, office space, facilities, equipment, and experience to spread the word and bring the numbers in, in-house marketing can work for you. On the other hand, for a relatively young company with only a handful of employees and short of office space, you could really do great with a competent marketing agency.


Comparing the two options, outsourced marketing tends to be a winner when it comes to costs, experience, and dedication. Using an in-house marketing team would require hiring individuals with an outstanding set of skills, knowledge, and experience on how to generate leads for your business, which is something that most expert marketing agencies already offer.

While in-house marketing gives you more control over your marketing campaigns outsourcing can help cut your marketing budget while sparing a great deal of time and effort that can be channeled to other business objectives and operations. Nonetheless, you’ll want to think about your marketing budget, office space, experience, number of employees, and marketing tasks at hand before choosing outsourced vs. in-house marketing.

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