Quit Honoring Your Vets, Help Them Instead

There is no denying that WWI and WWII have forever changed history. The losses have been dramatic around the world. So it was only natural to make the first Armistice Day in 1919 coincide with Veterans Day, the official day of the year during which the United States – along with many other countries – honors those who have served in the armed forces.

Unfortunately, the lessons learned during the two World Wars have not yet led to world peace. On the contrary, veterans are still more relevant than ever, and many more conflicts have claimed the lives of their friends and relatives, their sanity, their health, and their aspirations. There is no denying that every veteran deserves to be honored for their contribution. But if you want to make a difference in their lives, you need to do more than observing a federal holiday. You can build a career to help them.

Life after the military is a shock

For anyone who’s been in a traumatizing war, the aftermath can be devastating. Did you know that over 20 veterans take their own life every single day? Going back to life after the horrors they’ve been exposed to often feels like an impossible task, especially without emotional, practical and physical support. Brave men and women struggle to come up to term with their experience, and that’s precisely where you can make a difference.

They don’t always understand how to apply for what they need

Even though there is a dedicated U.S. department for veterans affairs, many are clueless about whether or not they’re eligible for support or even how to get in touch. Additionally, the emotional charge that comes with the veteran status can make it difficult to follow bureaucratic procedures. But, if you want to offer a patient ear and dedicated help, you can take a social work degree online before applying to the veterans services. Their veterans crisis line always needs someone to listen to their distressed callers.

Many needs additional tech support

Many veterans try to maintain an independent lifestyle. However, some face difficulties with everyday tasks, as a consequence of their physical or psychological wounds. Despite dedicated support from the VA, not all vets receive the equipment they need to be independent. Prosthetic limbs, for instance, can be expensive. This offers the perfect tech startup idea to tap into the prosthetic niche and build functional gear at a lower cost, just like this charity is doing for war victims. Similarly, a creative tech startup could also tackle numerous vets’ needs. Why not design a tech plan to introduce smart home appliances in all vets’ homes to address mobility issues in old properties?

Many need guidance to find a home for their transferable skills

Last, but not least, veterans have plenty of adaptable skills, from problem-solving to strategic thinking. Offering business guidance and advice could encourage them to maximize their skills in an entrepreneurship journey. After all, vets make excellent business owners through their ability to deal with high pressure and foster collaborations.

Helping veterans to integrate back into society is crucial to make sure that they can live a normal life after the military forces. Emotional support is vital, however, there are numerous business and career opportunities to bring administrative guidance or enhance their independence through tech equipment.

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