The First Business Premises

Your first premises is an important investment in the furtherment of your business. Perhaps you have been working from home and now realise you have what it takes and need to expand. That is great. The majority of business fail in their first year, so the fact you are expanding is a feat in itself. Getting the premises right is tough however, you need to go to lengths to make sure it is the right place for you and your business. If you get it wrong and purchase it or sign a contract then you could end up with a place that isn’t too suitable for your business type. These tips can help you make the right decisions with your premises to ensure you get the most out of it. Good luck!

Do Your Research

Take your time and do it properly otherwise you could be left in some trouble down the line. Check how accessible the business is. Does it have good parking? Check out whether it is close to local public transport links. These are all important factors in your decision and you should take them into account through research. What is the business address, does it represent your business well? Is the space big enough if you are beginning to expand? Do your research properly for the best results and ensured success.

Spruce It Up

So now you have your premises, what next? Well first you should look at it and see if you can make it better. Both on the inside and out. People are going to be working here, so you need to provide a great working environment for them and facilitate good working practice. First, consider giving the place a fresh lick of paint, there are many commercial interior painting companies that can do this for you. It’ll make the world of difference. Look at the break room, is it good enough? Could it do with some kind of lift? Get some colourful pictures, ensure it has the right appliances and a good seating area. For the best bet ensure it is decorated differently to the rest of the building. Always make it the best it can be to ensure you get the best out of your workers. You could even ask them for their opinions at this stage.

Check The Fixtures And Fittings

This is important too. You need to improve and check the fixtures and fittings. If people are using computers and the like at your place these need to be in good positions. Check whether the electrics have surge protection and can handle the large amount of computers you may be using otherwise you could suffer a blow out. Look at the internet too. Is the coverage good? If not consider getting a WI-Fi booster. It might be worth getting an electrician to go over the place before hand to reveal any hidden issues, this is especially important if you are moving into an older building as they are more susceptible to certain issues.

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