5 Must-Have Features on a Mobile Form App

Mobile form apps can be the best way to reach out to an audience who often uses their smartphones. Most mobile form applications have common features like field options, a drag-and-drop editor, basic themes, and templates. You can easily save your results in a spreadsheet-like report and get alerts through emails when you receive new responses. 

What is a Mobile Form Application?

It is made to create labels and questions to gather information about a particular topic. You can get a response from others through freeform text boxes, dropdowns, radio buttons, and more. You can have more control over the data you receive by keeping specific fields as required and restricting the types of responses you want to avoid. 

Now we will discuss some features that make a great online mobile form application.

Offline Data Collection:

When you are running your business from home or an office, you may face a surprise situation with no internet connection. A mobile form application can help collect data and save it even in the most remote locations.

The application will save your forms locally and auto-sync data as soon as your device reconnects with the internet. There are more advantages of using mobile survey apps over paper-based forms because the data collection solution grows.

Capture Image and Motion Video:

When you make a form on your mobile application, you can associate photos with specific GPS locations. Capture images directly from the camera or choose any from the photo library.

It can help you to point out and identify issues by marking up the photos during your inspection. You can incorporate videos and audio into your forms. 

Safety Checks:

You should be able to configure your forms with the help of a mobile form application. It can enforce compliance and safety checks. You can present relevant form questions by using hide and show rules. It can help you to simplify data entry and improve the efficiency of your work.

There are many embedded formulas for scoring and advanced calculations that can make your forms more reliable.

Flexible and Easy to Use:

A mobile form application interface should be easy to use to make data collection more accessible and accurate. Beginners should find it easy to create a form or survey for their work.

It should provide flexibility in creating different forms, including inspection, checklist, survey, and custom business. Many online mobile form options are available that make your task easier and efficient. 

Multiple Platform Support:

It would be great for the same form application to support multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, Android, etc. It can make work for employees with their own devices more feasible.

A great mobile form app can help you get route forms, reports, and data based on your custom workflow. 

Best mobile Form Applications:

Many mobile form applications have been introduced in the past years. Some of the best applications which can help you create powerful forms for free includes,

Google Forms:

You just need to create a Google account to get access to the form builder app. It can help you save your form results to a Google Sheets spreadsheet to analyze the data further. You can edit the forms at a faster rate. 

Microsoft Forms:

It offers more data analysis functionality than Google Forms because of its integration with Excel. You can easily add a question, choose the answer format and type in your questions, and type in your questions and response options. 


It is an excellent application with a unique feature that shows one question at a time and blurs out the others. It can make the experience more fun and conversational. Users can tap a designated key on their keyboards to select multiple-choice options. 

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