6 Reasons Why You Should Always Include Packaging In Your Product Development

Throughout the years, companies have acknowledged the significance of product packaging in communicating with customers. It builds a bridge between the product and customers, leaving a lasting impression. Above all, the product packaging should be as important as the product itself.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, put yourself in the buyer’s shoes when deciding on the product packaging. You can ask yourself, ‘Does a product pique your interest because the packaging speaks about how high-quality the product is?’

Below are the reasons why you should always consider the packaging in your product development:

6 Reasons Why You Should Always Include Packaging In Your Product Development

Serves As Protection

Before arriving at brick-and-mortar shops, companies transport goods in different places—from the manufacturer, delivery vehicles, warehouses, and the retail store. During this time, the product is susceptible to dampness, breakage, heat, light, dust, and other factors.

Therefore, to prevent damage when storing, stacking, and shipping, it’s essential to create a sturdy and hardwearing housing for your product. Also, preservation is necessary for healthcare and food products, so companies utilize packaging to maintain the product in pristine condition.

Most companies are also acknowledging locks, seals, and other packaging supplies to ensure the product’s security and cleanliness. That way, the product meets consumer expectations in terms of safety and reliability.

Provides Information

Although different companies come up with their own designs, they adhere to one rule: present the necessary information and accurate labels on the packaging that defines the product. Packaging and labels should answer questions that consumers ask before purchasing the item.

Here are the pieces of information that you should include when planning for the packaging:

  • Functional benefits
  • Brand
  • Product type
  • Variant (if the product offers more option)
  • details, quantity, weight, and size of the product
  • The place and date of manufacture
  • Instructions
  • Required marks (association marks, nutrition information, barcode, etc.)
  • Name and address of the manufacturer

Offers Convenience and Sustainability

Consumers nowadays are mindful. They prefer functional and user-friendly packaging over single-use products. Environmentally-conscious buyers also choose packages that are recyclable and easy to use, handle, and stack.

Furthermore, many consumers consider the carbon footprint produced by materials used in packaging and its other environmental effects through evaluating the labels. Hence, considering environment-friendly and sustainable packaging benefits your sales.

When planning for your product packaging, use environment-friendly and affordable packaging materials from Stanley Packaging.

Differentiates Your Brand From Competitors

As products are displayed on shelves according to their categories, the biggest challenge is to design unique and creative packaging that differentiates your product from competitors. Packaging that stands out has a higher chance of attracting customers and creating an identity.

To create an eye-catching design for the product packaging, consider the following tips:

  • Prevent listing overloaded information
  • Use clear plastic boxes
  • Include an iconic trademark
  • Play with the colors, style, and font, but are still readable
  • For instance, it’s believed that serif font presents elegance, while sans serif communicates with people. For the color, check the color wheel to know which color complements another. Also, a brand that has a bright color, which may represent happiness, should have a packaging that reflects the mood as well.

6 Reasons Why You Should Always Include Packaging In Your Product Development

Exudes Suspense and Excitement

Other than choosing attractive packaging, people love suspense and excitement upon seeing product packaging. For some, complementing colors and playful fonts are not enough because they prefer a luxury finish that provides an element of theatre.

Additionally, personalization has become a trend in marketing products. People opt for personalized products that increase their connection with buyers. Some examples are engraving their names on the box or writing a special letter. Packaging also serves as a gift wrapper or box when gifted to someone.

Contributes To The Boost of Sales

Once these packaging elements are applied to your products, you’ll notice a boost to your sales in no time. As mentioned previously, prioritizing the customers’ needs and wants attracts and encourages them to purchase a product from your brand.

As soon as you establish a good first impression and prove your product’s quality, more people will appreciate your brand. At this point, entrepreneurs realize that product packaging is more than being pretty, but a marketing tool that reflects your brand’s identity and values.


Product packaging doesn’t end with the colors and design, it has to be sturdy and provide accurate information to prevent misleading customers. Also, it should be convenient to use and sustainable and have a design that creates excitement for your buyers.

After designing the packaging, view your product from a consumer perspective. Ask yourself if the packaging is attention-worthy and significant. If your answer is yes, look forward to your business’s boost in sales, but don’t forget to innovate and improve your brand further.

Home » Marketing » 6 Reasons Why You Should Always Include Packaging In Your Product Development
Louella Tanner has been working as a full-time blogger for years and has gained a strong following online. Louella writes topics on health and wellness, self-improvement, business and current events on her blog.