7 Proven Instagram Growth Hacks For 2020 And Beyond

Instagram is, by far, one of the most promising social media platforms for businesses and influencers as we head into 2020 and beyond. Its powerful ad platform makes it attractive for companies and influencers who want to grow their audiences. Here are some of the reasons why you should focus on growing your Instagram audience this year:

According to recent stats:

  • Instagram is still, the most popular free app in the App store
  • Over a billion people use Instagram every month with 500 million using Instagram stories every single day.
  • According to Instagram Business, about 62% of users develop an interest in a product if they see it in their Instagram stories. In the USA, 11% of users shop directly on the platform according to eMarketer.
  • 90% of users on Instagram follow accounts belonging to brands or businesses they are interested in.
  • Last but not least, it’s projected that over 72% of US businesses will use Instagram this year.

All these stats prove that Instagram will continue being one of the most potent influencer and business marketing platform in 2020 and beyond. It’s, therefore, imperative that businesses and influencers understand what it takes to gain a foothold in the platform.

Are you looking to grow a permanent Instagram audience in 2020 and beyond? Here are seven proven Instagram growth hacks you can start using today:

Creative Instagram Posts- For Visibility

Running a business Instagram is not just about posting products and adverts. Creative posts that are hard to scroll past attract more people. Examples of creative Instagram posts include video clips that show a different perspective to your brand, seasonal greetings and wishes, general birthday wishes, etc.
In brief, creativity involves thinking out of the box to entertain as opposed to selling on Instagram. As much as your business Instagram is made to promote your brand, it doesn’t have to be like a normal landing page or press release. You have to go the extra mile to make an impression on Instagram as there is too much competition.

Create Stunning Sharable Images and Video

If your posts are being shared, then your audience will definitely expand. How do you make sharable content on Instagram? By investing in good design, photography and content creation. You can compromise on the first two, but content creation is key to creating sharable content. Does your content tick the following boxes?

  • It must validate your audience’s opinions or feelings about something
  • It should tell a story that connects to your target audience
  • It must appeal to their values and standards
  • It should inspire your audience
  • It shouldn’t be promotional- not an ad
  • Don’t force your users to share- for an incentive or contest
  • It can be emotional or controversial
  • It can be funny or quirky

Sharable content will grow your Instagram following beyond the platform if it’s good enough. Your current viewers will share it on their profiles, Facebook, Twitter and other platforms if they feel inspired or if it validates their opinions. Here are examples of content that gets many shares on Instagram:


  • Funny videos
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Stunning landscapes or photography
  • Trendy posts
  • Photos or videos with animals- dogs and cats and other pets
  • Patriotic content
  • Quirky images
  • Event photos

Outsource Your Business Instagram

In most cases, it could be easier for a business to outsource its Instagram page management to a company that specialized in boosting growth. These companies have the right tools and experienced digital marketers who know how to build popularity on social media. Thanks to AI and data-driven digital marketing, you can sit back and watch as your audience grows if you choose to outsource.

There are numerous social media popularity companies out there that you can work with. If you would like recommendations, then Followersnet should be your first stop. Try them out and see just how far you can go with your Business Instagram.

Include Popular Hashtags in your Posts

Just like Twitter, hashtags are used to make content more discoverable on Instagram. Without hashtags, your posts cannot be seen by non-followers unless it’s shared or boosted with an ad. Instagram hashtags are different from Twitter hashtags in that they are not big on trends or context. You can research popular hashtags on Instagram and add them to any posts on your page.

Never, Ever Miss A Caption

Yes, Instagram isn’t really about the text, but it doesn’t mean your captions are optional. It has been proven time and again that captions are as important as any image or video posted on Instagram. So much so, that brands enlist copywriters to come up with creative and thought-provoking captions for their posts.

Follow the Right People

You might be a business but it doesn’t hurt to follow back whenever followed. Also, look for influential people in your target niche and follow them or ask them to follow you. Go ahead and dive into their followers list and follow them too. This way, you will increase your visibility without spending too much money on promoted content or ads.

Work with Influencers

It’s easy to identify influencers that could bring more followers to your page. For instance, you can start by searching hashtags in your niche on Instagram. Influencers are part and parcel of the Instagram ecosystem and should form part of your growth strategy.

The Bottomline

Instagram is becoming one of the best platforms to promote businesses and brands. Research has shown that people are more likely to react to images and video as compared to text. This means Instagram and other platforms that promote visual content will continue attracting brands for the foreseeable future.

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