How to Master Instagram for Startup Businesses

Instagram is the place to be for startups that want to make their operation grow as today it’s one of the best social media platforms to market and promotes your business. And to make things even better, it does not cost a penny.

Instagram has become a marketing phenomenon that all entrepreneurs who want to grow and be seen should embrace and attract genuine followers who care about what they post.

Regardless of the industry you’re in, Instagram can truly be a power factor and fuel your company. All it takes is a little creativity and the desire to learn some tips on how to update your Instagram feed in order to create an exciting flow and an interesting business profile.

The ultimate step by step guide to become an Instagram influencer quickly

Understand the Platform

Instagram is great for business owners, but where does one start? The first thing you need to think about is how to design your company profile to attract the right target group.

Create a unified feeling through beautiful photos and videos, and above all be active. Post regularly and if you wish to increase your following, dare to be playful when creating stories, and be personal. Instagram is a platform that can and should be used to create meaningful relationships with followers, not just feed them with information.

Attract New Followers

Anyone who runs a business is constantly struggling to find new and creative ways to attract customers. By creating a company profile on Instagram, you and your startup can reach out to followers who may not have heard of you before and convert them into new customers.

This can be accomplished through both organic or paid advertising. Instagram collects large amounts of data about its users, which means that you can direct your ads to prospects who are more likely to be interested in your particular products.

However, it can be challenging to determine what truly resonates with your target audience when you are just starting out. This is why you should consider hiring experts to help you get Instagram followers. They will assist you in organically growing your following with users who are genuinely interested in your content, and it may even lead to them becoming paying customers.

Create Content

Try to use uniform and clear imagery when you are on Instagram as a company. For example, choose to always use the same filter or always have a white frame around the images you publish.

This creates visual recognition among the followers and helps strengthen brand awareness. Ultimately, it’s the same brand you show on your website as on your company’s Instagram channel.

Instagram for startup businesses is an obvious choice when it comes to employer branding. Show potential employees what an amazing team you are behind the scenes and post about all the fun that happens in the office.

Do not forget to also share posts that show your expertise and professionalism. Why not record a video on something else that highlights your specific area of expertise?

Keep Flow and Stories Separated

When you’re present on Instagram as a startup, remember to keep the flow separate from stories. On Instagram stories, try sharing things that happen here and now, such as highlights from a team meeting. Stories remain visible for 24 hours and should be used more spontaneously.

The flow, on the other hand, has a longer lifespan and it is worth putting more thought into. As a startup business on Instagram, you should develop a social media strategy and create posts that are adapted both to stories and to the flow. Try working with different formats such as slides, videos, and GIFs to create an engaging live channel.

Use Hashtags and Test New Features

It’s wise to use some well-thought-out hashtags for your posts on your Instagram business account. Each hashtag is clickable and your image will be visible along with other people’s images that used the same tag. This is something that can help you increase the post’s visibility.

Have you tried broadcasting live on Instagram? It’s a feature more companies should use and you can perhaps try to broadcast, for instance, a webinar via IGTV? If you run an eCommerce, you can now link to your products directly on Instagram. It’s a smart, flexible option that simplifies your customers’ purchase journey.

Final Thoughts

Instagram is about being able to tell a story that touches and creates engagement. Instead of just taking pictures of the products or services you provide, dare to be personal.

Be transparent and share what is happening behind the scenes and what the product development looks like. Ask questions and let your followers be part of the process and your startup business adventure.

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