7 Types of Danger Signs You Need on Your Property

As the owner of a property where potentially fatal accidents can occur, you must have some form of visual communication in place to keep people safe and out of harm’s way. A visible instruction from a danger sign provides a clear indication and reduces the likelihood of accidents for employees and non-employees, resulting in a safer working environment.

Property owners must use danger signs in big hazard situations where there is an immediate threat of death or serious injury to anyone inside the area. If you’re still unsure about what signs you should have on your property, here are some examples of danger signs you can use to ensure property safety.

7 Types of Danger Signs You Need on Your Property

No Entry

No entry signs are used to restrict access to certain areas of your property. But it can limit access to sites containing hazardous machinery or lifts, or it can identify hazard areas for demolition, X-ray, or asbestos risks. So, if your property contains potentially hazardous and life-threatening structures, make sure you have a no-entry sign.

Getting a no entry sign is easy, especially with the increasing popularity of online shopping. With a simple Google search, you’ll easily find stores that sell a no entry sign.

However, before purchase, you should be aware that the signs you’ll buy must follow your country’s standards. For example, if you live in Australia, you must follow the Australian Standards (AS 1319-1994) for no entry signs.


Electrical Equipment

A danger sign with the word “electrical equipment” can be found in and around workplaces, particularly construction sites, factories, and farms. These places are where cables and high-voltage electrical equipment are commonly seen, and any building or location where electricity is used may pose a risk.

Also, educating your employees on avoiding electric shock can help keep everyone safe and prevent a potentially fatal accident. Of course, you can’t be too careful about electricity, so make sure you have an electrical equipment danger sign up.

No Smoking

No smoking signs are put up to prevent people from using cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vaping devices, and other forms of tobacco on the property. Furthermore, you can use no smoking signs to prevent people from smoking in or near a building or area and enforce no-smoking laws.

It is especially hazardous to smoke in a high-risk area, like a factory with chemicals present. It might cause an explosion or a fire, so it’s best to put up a no-smoking sign to avoid potential accidents.

Out of Service

Properties like construction sites, amusement parks, and factories often have equipment that’s not in use. Hence, to prevent people from using them, an “out of service” sign is placed on or near the equipment. It indicates that they should not use a piece of machinery until the specified component is repaired. It also notifies people that the machinery will be put out of service for a specific duration.

But only use the danger signs when you come across faulty equipment, machinery, or power tools, deemed as inoperable or unsafe, or if continued use would cause even more damage or create a hazard. Also, always place the tag in a visible location for all other personnel to see.

Watch Your Step

A watch your step sign can help keep your facility accident-free and protect your workers by alerting them to a potential hazard. In a fast-paced work environment, it’s easy to lose sight of the dangers that lurk around every corner.

For instance, uneven surfaces, slippery floors, staircases, and abrupt drop-offs are all examples of hazards in industrial facilities. As a result, the “watch your step” danger sign is frequently painted bright yellow for workers to immediately notice and avoid getting injured.

Authorized Personnel Only

Authorized personnel danger signs denote restricted areas into which only those with permission are authorized. In addition, it is regarded as an information notice to help prevent trespassing and exposure to potential hazards.

They are frequently posted near the entrances to mechanical and control rooms and private property boundaries. So, if you wish to avoid people trespassing into your property, make sure that you post the danger sign in a place where they can easily see it.

Construction Area

“Construction area” danger signs indicate the possibility, type, and severity of a hazard that could result in accidental injury or property damage. If your property or an area inside it is still under construction, it is critical to place the danger sign just outside its perimeter.

Its purpose is to ensure that no one other than construction workers can enter, thus reducing the possibility of someone getting hurt while wandering around a dangerous area. Aside from posting signs, it would be best if you also assigned someone to guard your property to improve overall security.

Final Thoughts

You can find danger signs in various settings, including workplaces, public buildings, construction sites, offices, warehouses, hospitals, and even factories. If your property doesn’t have any, start putting up danger signs around your property, especially if it’s in an area where hazards and potential risks lurk around every corner. And if you are still unsure which danger signs to place in which sites, carefully read through the earlier danger signs to expand your knowledge.

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A political science graduate and a struggling law student with a relentless passion for writing. He keeps himself updated on the latest developments in science, technology, business, law and politics. John also loves to play the guitar, read books, play chess, and occasionally write poetry.