World Economic Forum:Future Digital Economy (Part2)

The Rise of the Digital Economy

Speakers: Eric Schmidt, Vittorio Colao, Sheryl Sandberg, Jim Hagemann Snabe, Satya Nadella

Internet is a common global good. It is already a given. But to get to the next level of sophistication in terms of legitimate interest, it has to be sustainable. If we are only to hope that have the internet free in the near future, then it’s not sustainable in the long run. There is an underlying religion as to how online navigation can impact our daily lives. Working it to the core is an ongoing process done by the biggest tech leaders of today.

Sustainability is the focus of all digital pursuits of this leaders. What is the relevance of the internet for you and me? As a commoner, how does it truly help us have a better quality of life?

“Advocacy/ Solution” of the speakers on the World Economic Forum on the topic of Digital Economy on the rise

1. Infrastructure of low-cost bandwidth.
2. Innovation should be brought out to the market
3. Local entrepreneurs must play a significant role.

Entrepreneurs reflect diversity. It allows the widening of skills gap. The need to invest in people is a top secret to success and fulfillment in life.

If you’re an optimist, fundamentally we will succeed. We’re halfway there already. This is true in mostly in developed countries where accessibility is never an issue. However, it’s a challenging concern in areas where connectivity and access is not a common deal. Where the traditional ways are still practiced and embraced. For two reasons: 1. People are skeptical 2. They cannot afford technology. For people of the new age, we are more than willing to embrace it. The question is how are we going to make the skeptics embrace the development of digitalization. Subsequently, technology creates jobs in the non-tech areas as well (the perception of threat is false). Simply put, it makes the all kinds of job easier and the performance more efficient.

Be a big believer of entrepreneurialism!

Digital technology is a helpful platform to promote it. By taking advantage of technology, we can now provide job opportunities to areas and people who have limited access. To keep up with the connection.


Will you have any part in the success if you’re not an IT Company?

The answer is yes! Technology is for everybody! We are all a part of this paradigm that thrives together with the cooperation of the people using it.

– Being a dominant player in the market
– It helps entrepreneurs by challenging dominance
– Evident in many industries aside from software evolutions
– Use of software for transformation
– Breaking down of elements and using it for other new, different purposes

Technology is a vital component in progress. Be a catalyst that create platforms fostering ecosystems to enable others to build anything on top of that.

Platforms are enabler.

Partnering locally is life blood for people in your neighborhood.

E.g. Microsoft as a platform provider is generating success for other people.

Equal access and opportunity.

Make sure that women are part of the agenda. Women’s access is a very great concern especially to culture-reserved and society-challenged countries. They are not to be left behind now more than ever. Abenomics is an advocate for women labor through “womenomics” considering Japan’s culture abridgement when it comes to gender equalities, Shinzo Abe encourages the promotion of women to start taking leadership roles. Though for most female Japanese employees, success means brutally working long hours, networking your way into wee hours and sacrificing promotion if you want children. This is a different issue to be tackled another time. We are about to debate culture that goes way back. Gladly, Japan is starting to turn a new leaf painstakingly.

Misuse of Internet

Misuse of internet like violence, inappropriate content. Online bullying etc is also a major problem. Have you ever gotten more isolated now that you are often connected online than the old days where access is limited? Some people have the tendency to manipulate and promote their bad agendas because it’s easier to do it online. A lot of real threats are happening as we speak.
The answer to this is transparency report says Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. It’s the government’s duty to monitor online activities and prevent cyber crimes with the active participation of users.

Mobile internet in remote areas.

E-commerce are solutions against isolation. Ms. Sandberg is a strong advocate for delivering connectivity in remote areas such as Africa. The funding for connectivity paving a reasonable connection will aid the language deficiency and educate people more and more.

Evolution of the internet as predicted:

– Use of more bandwidth
– Coming up with more ways to innovate
– Redefining mobility

The day will come when internet will be like oxygen. We must harmonize with all digital entity and Global consensus that will lead us to better availability by the people and for the people. If we’re honest, the key to achievement is finding the right balance or “HARMONIZATION”. Do you consider yourself a digital plumber?

This is the “transitional era”. As all the speaker’s opinion, transition is a natural course of life evolution. Take for example the unstoppable change from agricultural to industrial. The elimination of physical labor had us thanking industrial revolutionaries that made things more efficient now. It is the idea of working smart not working hard and this is what digital economy is all about.

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