Top 5 Crowdfunded Gadgets of 2015

1. Remix Mini – Android PC
Raised: $1,647,155
This innovative PC lets users take advantage of the entire Android app ecosystem in an intuitive PC environment with features such as taskbar, multiple windows, mouse and keyboard support, etc.
2. STARY – Electric Skateboard
Raised: $742,739
The world’s lightest and most user-friendly electric skateboard, STARY weighs only 8.6 lbs and achieves speeds of up to 18.6 mph. The skateboard also comes with a remote that displays speed modes and battery usage and notifies users of overheating or battery issues.

3. Exploride – Turns Car into Smart Car
Raised: $665,490
Smarthphone with a sleek display that offers infotainment system, navigation system and instrument cluster you can attach to your car for a smarter ride.

4. Solar Paper – Solar Charger
Raised: $1,021,583
Solar Paper promises to be the world’s thinnest and lightest solar charger. It can easily fit into planners!

5. WAY – Skin Analyzer
Raised: $127,598
A gadget that collects real time data from skin and environment, and provides skincare tips on connected device.


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