Changing Business Premises? Read This First

Ask any entrepreneur who’s done it, and they’ll tell you that moving business premises can be a nightmare. It’s more difficult than you think to extract people and equipment from one building and set them up in another. All sorts of unforeseen problems occur.

The issue is doubly difficult when members of your team aren’t on board. Some colleagues will actively oppose your efforts because they don’t want to change location.

In this post, therefore, we provide some much-needed tips to support companies looking to change premises. We will cover everything from choosing the right location to picking suitable flooring.

Changing Business Premises? Read This First

Eliminate Everything You Don’t Need To Take With You

Taking things that you no longer need to your new premises is logically challenging and adds expense. In the run-up to the move, gather your team together and figure out what you don’t need to take with you. Think carefully about whether you actually need to bring all your inventory and all of the items in your stock rooms. Statutory accounts, for instance, only have to go back a few years.

Choose A Moving Company Wisely

Don’t try to move yourself and don’t use moving companies that only cater to domestic customers. Find companies that offer packages for businesses and understand your specific requirements.

Most commercial moving companies understand business-specific needs and what you expect from a moving service. They will also do things like set up equipment for you and take them up flights of stairs.

Make Sure Your Premises Can Handle Your Operations

Think carefully about whether your new premises is physically able to do what you are asking of it. Don’t assume that owners will automatically install all of the facilities that you need.

If you manage a lot of stock, check if the new premises offer epoxy resin floors. If it doesn’t, get a quote to find out how much it will cost to install once you move in. Also ensure that you have basic infrastructure in place such as structural cabling and other things that you need. Ensure that each floor – if you’re renting an office – has kitchen and bathroom facilities.

Resolve Your Utilities

If you don’t pay your bills, utility companies will relentlessly pursue you until you do. Sometimes, things can turn nasty.

Make sure that you complete any contracts that you have to buy certain services and that you always provide as much advance warning as you can give them. Many utility providers will insist that you provide them with a minimum term to cancel your agreement with them.

Label All Your Boxes

Just like a domestic move, it’s a good idea to label your boxes. This way, you can take items to where they are supposed to be without opening them first and risking a spill. The best approach is to label each box according to its designated room. Just create a map of your new building labelled with numbers. The moving professionals can place items in the corresponding rooms as per your instruction.

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