Just as cellphones have evolved to become more than just tools for communication, wristwatches have also evolved from being fashion accessories to becoming business tools. The Apple Watch has been declared to the company’s most personalized creation, with 38 different watches under its belt. Google Android Wear, however, has enterprise usability, which just might give it the chance to get a chunk out of Apple’s market share for its Watch.
Android Wear has a variety of tools and services that can benefit the daily lives of corporate users. Its biggest value, however, lies in how both regular and professional users can communicate via the smartwatch. Since it syncs with the phone, everything from alerts to notifications get passed to the watch and when it vibrates, it can keep businessmen from missing important calls whether in meetings or noisy work environments like server rooms.
Another plus for businessmen especially those who travel, is Android Wear’s travel cards, which will appear when trips are scheduled on Google calendar. Techcrunch has more on why Android Wear presents timely competition for Apple Watch.