America Needs Nurses: Is This the Perfect Career Opportunity You’ve Been Looking For?

Nursing has always been a highly respected, well-paid, and rewarding profession. There are numerous benefits that come with working as a nurse, including the second paycheck. You’ll make a good living in this career path, but the second paycheck is why many people sign up. It’s the rewarding work that comes with helping people and saving lives.

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There’s A Job Shortage

Meaning, if this is the career path you choose, you’ll never be out of a job. The average nurse in America makes anywhere from $30-$50/ hr. That’s an annual salary of $62,000-$104,000. Not only is there an opportunity to make good money, but you’ll always have the opportunity, even during periods of economic recession.

High Job Satisfaction

Over eighty percent of nurses reported high job satisfaction according to a 2019 survey. The overall job satisfaction is attributed to the ability to grow within the field and the opportunity for advancement. Just because someone starts as a bedside nurse, doesn’t mean that’s where they’ll stay there for the rest of their career. There are so many specialties within the field of nursing that it would take several lifetimes to exhaust all the possibilities.

Variety of Employment Choices

It might come as a surprise that nurses don’t have to work in a hospital. There is a variety of job opportunities in the field of nursing that includes, but is not limited to, the school nurse, assisted living nurse, care coordinator, midwife, hospice nurse, surgery nurse, family nurse practitioner, public health research nurse, and academia.

Flexible Schedule

Nurses typically work twelve-hour shifts. Now, that might sound grueling, but it improves patient care because it reduces the number of hand-offs and the corresponding errors. And then when you factor in the four-day weekend, it starts to not sound all that bad. Not to mention how much time you’ll shave off your commute if you only have to go to work three days out of the five.

Part-Time Or Full Time

The beauty of nursing is the flexible schedules. Depending on the hospital, you can select your shifts and choose how much or how little you want to work. There are no set hours. This lifestyle is especially attractive to those in the middle of raising a family.

Can Work Anywhere

Because nursing jobs are in such high demand, you can go practically anywhere in the world to work. Nursing offers what very few other jobs nowadays do: flexibility. Usually, you go where the jobs are, but if you’re a nurse, the jobs follow you.

Make A Difference

As a nurse, you have the opportunity and the privilege to make a lasting difference in someone’s life. No matter which sub-field of nursing you find yourself in, you will touch many lives for the better. It’s in the job description.


If nursing sounds like something you’re interested in, even if you’re still in the thinking stage, then it’s a good idea to do some more research. Investigate the tuition costs, as they vary from school to school. Decide if you want to do work-study or complete your education in the standard four years. Figure out the details, come up with a plan but, remember, if there’s a will, there’s a way.

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