Are You The Leader You Thought You Are?

Leadership affects different spheres of our lives- business, music, sports, and culture. Becoming an effective leader is essential for the growth of an organization.  Most people associate having an executive management position to leadership, but true leadership means inspiring people which is often challenging. It entails getting different personalities to work together while remaining true to the vision of the company.

Leadership is a process that develops over time and requires constant assessment and improvement to become a better leader. It explains why some people credit themselves to be the best leaders while others are still working to be excellent leaders. So what are some of the qualities of a great leader?

Has a Vision

A good leader has a clear vision of what he wants to accomplish and how he intends to achieve the desired goal. It is a quality that separates a leader from a manager. A manager gets the job done, but a leader captures the thoughts, energies, and emotions of his employees into achieving a particular goal.

Has The Ability to Plan Strategically

Apart from having a vision, a great leader can predict the future with accuracy and take relevant actions to mitigate losses or benefit from particular opportunities. Leaders can anticipate trends ahead of their competitors through careful strategic planning. Coaches at the Schulich Executive Education Centre note that the increasing competitiveness of the market requires leaders with foresight to benefit from the first mover advantage.

Is Honest and Upholds Integrity

They are the core competencies of quality leadership. Leaders who exhibit these qualities impart the same values to their followers. An honest leader should be truthful in all his dealings to foster trust and productive relationships.

Has The Ability to Inspire Others

It is the most challenging task for any leader and is only possible if you lead by example. During difficult situations, your followers are attentive to see your reaction. If you can handle it well, they will follow you. An effective leader should also have a positive attitude which is usually demonstrated by his actions. Are you calm under pressure and motivate your followers to follow suit? A leader who inspires his subordinates can quickly overcome any challenge.

Is Passionate and Committed

If you want your followers to give their all, you need to demonstrate passion too. A passionate and committed leader is ready to get his hands dirty. This way you not only gain respect from your subordinates but also motivate your team members to perform better. A leader’s lack of commitment entertains mediocrity not to mention the difficult task of motivating your followers to accomplish the task at hand.

Is A Good Communicator

A great leader should also communicate effectively and persuasively. The ability to communicate the vision and objectives of the company determines how well your team executes tasks. You can also motivate your followers and encourage teamwork to improve productivity.

These qualities are the most crucial attributes of a good leader. While there are many others, a great leader should first be visionary and have a strategic plan to achieve his goals. He should also be honest and uphold integrity to build healthy relationships. A passionate and committed leader can easily inspire his followers. He should be an excellent communicator too.

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