Beat The Blogger Blues – How Your Business Website Could Benefit From A Blog

It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, your customers will want to know more. This is an age of rich information. Your customers will keep searching for the answers to their product questions. This might move them away from your site and into the arms of your competitor. And what happens if you make that sale? Do you ever hear from your customer again, or is that the end of your relationship? Blogs offer content, answers, information, and a regular communication your customers will love.

Write With Intent

Remember, a blog is not a hard sell opportunity. Blogs are friendly chats with the people you want to sell to eventually. They’re there to offer a few juicy tidbits and a couple of ideas about how your products fit into their desired lifestyle. Don’t clutter pages with pushy sales patter. Let the blog content bloom from article to article into brand loyalty. Build their interest in your product offering, and tease them about new launches and releases. But don’t push them too hard!

Why Do I Have To Do All This Work?

Having a blog will provide fresh content to your website on a regular basis. The search bots love finding something new! According to many providers of SEO services, regular fresh content is one of the best ways to rank your website well in the search engine. Think about all those wonderful opportunities for adding more and more relevant search terms for each product. Provide lots of useful, informative content relevant to your product offering for a better chance of being seen online.

Find A Working Practice

Yes, it’s true that it takes a lot of your precious time to write quality content for a blog. So don’t do it. Outsourcing your blog writing is easier than you think. You can simply advertise a writing gig at any one of dozens of writer’s resource websites. Alternatively, offer someone the role in-house. Your marketing team may not have the time to dedicate a member of staff to the task, so you may have to hire in more help. If it results in more sales, then this additional cost could be well worth it.

How Do I Measure The ROI Of My Blog?

Your website should already be capable of reporting on the source of your traffic. You should be able to clearly see which links have been clicked to bring customers to the checkout. The start of that journey could be any one of your blog pages, but as each article has a unique identifying title, you’ll know which ones are most successful. Add social media sharing tallies to your page, and you’ll see just how far your brand is reaching too. Traffic should increase, and conversions to sales can be measured. Check your bounce rate – the figures should be far more impressive when customers have something tantalizing to read!

Your customer journey may start with a blog article, but after quality time spent reading the information they want, the clicks through to your sales pages can begin. What are you waiting for? Get your business website blog started today.

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